Secret passage rocks!
Thanks for the tips but the first thing I need to learn is not to wait for the "standard standing animation" to do stuffs, I need to get used to strike/whatever during blocking/guard-broken animation.
Yes, another error in DOA5...
Your first mistake was picking Hayate... just kidding I just don't like Hayate anymore. He's not as good as he was in 4 but then again that was an entirely different system.

Try to mix in more 6k and 4k6k for launching.

After a Power Blow guard break you should use 6p or 3k out in the open. There's more options but these are the most common.

6p will give you some good advantage (+17 on highest SE) and you can mix up from there.
3k will give you better advantage but it wall splats, so it's really only good out in the open if you're trying to mix up your opponent.

7k, 9p, and jabs are only options at the wall because the push back is too much off of the guard break.

9p also wallsplats though so only use it at invisible walls (like Zack islands barrier in the water). It'll give you a deep stun to start off with.

7k is good raw damage.

standing jabs give a deep stun at the wall with no splat, just a smaller threshold and lower damage.


Mar 5, 2013 at 5:46 AM
Posted by X51
I was laughing a lot after the "glitch", so funny. Also, I'm Hayate and want to aks you if I did anything right in this fight?
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