Another Reason why Jean Kujo should be added

Yes I agree, that difference is called "Buffering". There are no Dead or Alive characters who have moves that benefit from the buffering technique. Pai ,Akira, and Sarah, on the other hand, can use that distinctive towards their advantage.
There's a big difference. Most can do Kasumi's hardly anyone can use Akiras. I've already had this argument before so I'm going to leave it at that.
It's not gonna happen because he's not that popular. Even if people request him, he's likely not able to come because TN will pick the overall popular one. Kage is the 5th most popular one even if people didn't really want him. Kage's been around since the old games of VF and the fact he's a ninja makes TN proud. There's no proof if there's any VF characters coming anyway.
so he should be in DOA because he...has a moveset? fine whatever bring him in just remember were going to nerf him into oblivion the second he steps in the ring just so our cast can match up.
Jean would work really well in DOA. His 4\1P+K+G would work as his standard mid/low holds and a couple of his throws would work as offensive/ advanced holds.


Mar 22, 2014 at 3:31 PM
I did not do the video
New Character in Virtual Fighter Series, Jean Kujo practitioner of Karate. Going to try to learn this character before I move on to my mains.
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