This will Happen if Bahn Is Added

AW YISS, FIGHTING VIPERS!!! I'd probably kill to have Bahn too. In fact, I want a Fighters Megamix 2 already :V


Mar 25, 2014 at 3:45 PM
I'm sharing this

Fighting Vipers 2 - Bahn's Secret Win Sign/Pose

hey, we finally figured out how sound works in videos! go us.

so, fighting vipers 2- a sorely underloved game, probably because it never came out in the US- has a couple of small, weird secrets. this is one of them, and since it's a right pain in the arse to get an actual screenshot of it, we've had to make a video instead. do excuse the quality.

while playing as bahn, finish an opponent off with his bodycheck attack- that's back, forward, forward + punch + kick. do this and a red kanji will very briefly flash up on-screen (you can see it at 0:17 and several times at 0:48). that kanji is 男, which if we're not being lied to, means MAN. or MALE. it's really brief, so blink and you'll miss it.
(alternatively, the now-dead official fv2 site had a small but decent shot of it:

in any case, do this in the final round of a match, making sure your health is low- about as low as in this video- and as soon as the kanji appears, press and hold punch + kick + guard until the victory sequence appears. instead of one of his normal ones, bahn will appear to gather his energy... before getting a slight gut ache. poor guy. i guess the technique was too powerful.

special thanks go to cool twitter person @Zerochan who taught us the correct technique for this strange secret and told us what the kanji was that flashed up. we were told this info over a year ago now, but better late than never.
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