A Reason Why Aoi Umenokoji Should Be Added

Now that I noticed this video, I really, really miss Bloodburger. I wonder if he checked out my ryona vids?
She's definitely no Asuka Kazama. She doesn't have tomboyish, borderline lesbian tendencies (though to be fair she's been clueless to Lili's advances)...
V_V that's how i see her, she's like kokoro, jun and asuka mixed together.
Her moves are nothing like Kokoro's. LeiFang is the closest equivalent. She doesn't really look like Jun but she has a similar poise.
FoN i'm saying she's kinda like kokoro with her moves, and she looks like jun from TTT2's counter part lol
@Force_Of_Nature She can counter on the floor, both attacks and throws, however Aoi can remain on the floor and still wake-up kick, after an unsuccessful counter
Lol, It would be hilarious hi-countering her ass with a low throw on wake-up xD.
Does this chick really have counters on the FLOOR??!! no she need to stay her little ass on VF.
@Zhang That's simple, its not about "What her Fighting is" its about "What her fighting was 'meant' to do"
Aoi is like Akira, whose fighting style is meant to stop combos
It's weird, a character who's designed all about countering and attack strings, somehow didn't make it into a game that is all about countering and attack strings.
I'm surprised she wasn't added in the first place, honestly.
If she were added instead of Pai I guess I would have been okay with it but at this point I wouldn't be happy if she was a new character. I don't want any more VF characters. :/
I would absolutely love Aoi in DOA since she is my main in VF. What would be better? Releasing a new VF game. VF5:FS came out almost 4 years ago. I hope the rumors are true of a new VF coming.
She really should have been added instead of Pai imo, nothing against Pai but Aoi has a playstyle that would work extremely well in DOA. She's already got adv counters, a sabaki, cancels, 3 part throws... she'd be amazing!


Apr 16, 2014 at 6:57 PM
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This is a video movelist for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, featuring Aoi Umenokoji.

Opening Music - Mokhov - Illusion

Watch in 720/1080p
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