Recent content by cheeseburgering

  1. cheeseburgering

    Media "Record of Craving and Paradise" An IGN Japan Article About DOAX3 Translated

    Did VR really make DoAX3 that much better? Or is he being a little dramatic?
  2. cheeseburgering

    Early steps of the ladder

    For me it's like winning too much adds pressure as it's giving me something to defend/lose. What goes up must come down and such. But of course nobody plays forever without losing, just like it would be a serious accomplishment to lose forever without might feel like it sometimes...
  3. cheeseburgering

    Early steps of the ladder

    Oof I get that ranked anxiety, too. Oddly enough I get it a lot worse when I'm winning. When I'm a losing spree it's like whatever, can't get any worse, just keep trucking and maybe it'll turn around. But on a winning spree I'm like "OH NO WHAT IF IT ALL COMES CRASHING DOWN I'd better quit...
  4. cheeseburgering

    DOA newbie needs some help

    Alright I did my best to put all of your advice into practice tonight... blocking more, using fast attacks more aggressively while on defense whenever I thought I could fit them in, not trying to use throws from defense vs very aggressive opponents, and changing up my poking game while people...
  5. cheeseburgering

    DOA newbie needs some help

    I've put most of my time into Christie, Momiji and Mai. I've had the easiest time with Christie and the hardest with Mai, with Momiji right in the middle. I almost never sidestep anymore now that it requires meter. Is it still something to rely on to turn the momentum around? I've also kinda...
  6. cheeseburgering

    DOA newbie needs some help

    DOA6 is my first game of the series. I played a decent amount at launch but was never very good, capping out at C rank, then took a long break from the game. I'm back at it now that costumes can be bought individually, but while I was gone the average C rank player has mastered some pretty...