Recent content by Dahlsim

  1. Dahlsim

    IGN Pro League DOA5 Pro Gaming Tournament

    Although I know this falls largely on deaf ears, for the record let me say again Morris NEVER was "running things" back in 2006. Direct-TV's league was run by their own organization, CGS, now defunct. I'm honored (in an "infamous" sort of way) by this mythology but it's a vast...
  2. Dahlsim

    Does Dimensions Tell us much about DoA5 gameplay? DOA5 Press Event!

    Just to clarify, I can't swear they don't intend to have turnaround option, just that from trying out the options in the limited play time I had, we only saw an ability to reduce / avoid damage. I also got that idea from the interview but some of what they intend they were not ready to disclose...
  3. Dahlsim

    FSD EXCLUSIVE: Perfect Legend interviews Team Ninja (Part 2)

    Good suggestion on written points. We don't feel any special "pressure" other than to run a well organized event. We've already contributed to making sure that FSD and "other people" are in the "contact process". I've personally pitched the idea to them of the value of supporting tournaments...
  4. Dahlsim

    FSD EXCLUSIVE: Perfect Legend interviews Team Ninja (Part 2)

    Excellent interview! I must say that Carl asked some excellent questions. You touch on one of the biggest challenges Team Ninja faces I think, pleasing both the casual fan and the hardcore competitive fan. Truth is although the hardcore fighting fans form the critical basis for sales success...