Recent content by dcooper

  1. dcooper

    how to get the xprs from an iso

    you need to use ninja hacker and datahdd2.afs to get acess to the xpr files
  2. dcooper

    『DOA Online』『DOA2 Ultimate』Costume Mods

    I don't know what else to tell you. It work for me when I deleted the config file.
  3. dcooper

    DEAD OR ALIVE 2 Modding tutorials and discussion

    you need to get this skin off from the datahdd2.afs from xbox game files and open it up in greed explorer or ninja tool box to extract the xpr and .cat file
  4. dcooper

    『DOA Online』『DOA2 Ultimate』Costume Mods

    delete 'NinjaToolbox.exe.config' in the folder
  5. dcooper

    Dead or Alive 3 Custom Skins/Costumes thread

    I put the files in the dead or alive 3 ++ id save data folder utdata but when I boot up the game in story mode the costume slots don't appear? Edit: I figure it out I had to put them in the tdata folder
  6. dcooper

    DOA3++ Balance/Gameplay Mod

    which one the dead or alive ++ id folder? so I can copy my old save data
  7. dcooper

    DEAD OR ALIVE 2 Modding tutorials and discussion

    I have the files export. But I can't seem to find their story mode cutscene lines for xbox version? it only has intros, wins, and lose lines I see this dmy.bin in voice.asf but idk what that is or how to open it.
  8. dcooper

    DEAD OR ALIVE 2 Modding tutorials and discussion

    I have the ps2 iso and I rip it. but I don't see the voice.afs file in it?
  9. dcooper

    Soul Calibur 2 Modding.

    Hey everyone. I hope it ok if I post this here. But a long time ago I saw some People use to mod Soul Calibur 2 back in the day like dee4doa and OOFMATIC. So, I decided to create some of my own mods. Download links...