Recent content by HitomiMaster

  1. HitomiMaster

    What am I doing wrong with Sarah?

    @STBALLA1990 Sarah's mixup is a crucial part of her play style. In the first battle, I see you backing up a lot, which you shouldn't do while playing Sarah. When you were fighting, I never saw you go into the Flamingo stance unless you did the relauncher in your combo. I also saw that you never...
  2. HitomiMaster

    Characters Phase 4's Gigantic combo thread

    The Chifu :K: is really easy to do once you get used to all the other teleporting. I can do it, just not online too much because of the lag.
  3. HitomiMaster

    "No one gets in my way." - DOA5U Kasumi combo thread

    I found a really long combo. :6::6::P::pause::P::K::K::7::K::6::p+k::pause::K::K::7::K::6::p+k::pause::9::P::K::6::p+k::pause::K::K: Hope this helped.
  4. HitomiMaster

    Momiji Combo Thread

    CB Setup: :9::K::pause::4::4::K::pause::P::pause::K::pause::p+k:(Delayed.) Not a guaranteed CB.
  5. HitomiMaster

    Momiji Combo Thread

    The :1::P::K: should hit. I always do that combo online. Yea, if you do :4::4::P::8::P::K: you should have more options, but I do :4::4::P::8::P::P: because I might be able to follow up after the force tech.
  6. HitomiMaster

    Momiji Combo Thread

    Mhm, or instead of ending with that, you might be able to get a :6::P::P: in there, for the people in the Medium Category, like Hayate.
  7. HitomiMaster

    Momiji Combo Thread

    Oh, yea it is, sorry 'bout that.
  8. HitomiMaster

    Media First To 3 - Challenge Me

    I'm up for some matches. :)
  9. HitomiMaster

    Momiji Combo Thread

    :9::P::p+k::f+p::pause::4::P::8::P::P::pause::3::P::4::P::pause::1::P::K: Only tested on Lightweights. The :1::P::K: doesn't work if the person tech rolls.
  10. HitomiMaster

    The Show of Death

    Does this work on Xbox?
  11. HitomiMaster

    "Internet Speed"

    Internet provider:Frontier Ping: 44 Download speed: 2.87 Upload Speed:0.66 Price:$50-60 Worst internet ever
  12. HitomiMaster

    The Ivan's Laboratory : Ultimate Hitomi Guide !

    You did a nice job with this guide! This helped me a lot. Now I can play Hitomi as an offensive player, not a defensive one.