Recent content by Reikou

  1. Reikou

    "まだまだ^^" The Kokoro Video Thread

    Speaking of Fuwa/Fuwachin, I came across this two and a half hour "DOA Course" video with Fuwa and rabbit-daison (One of the top Jap Hitomi players) focusing on Hitomi and Kokoro. Its all in Japanese, but might be useful for some people. The Kokoro focus starts at about 1 hr 14 min in...
  2. Reikou

    "まだまだ^^" The Kokoro Video Thread

    A guy called "Fuwa" or "Fuwachin" comes up a lot when discussing Kokoro on Japanese forums.ふわ Unfortunately it seems that many posters on English/western boards seem very hesitant on posting or discussing who they think the top players or players of interest in...
  3. Reikou

    DOA5LR Why Are the Majority of Players So Salty?

    I see this a lot with foreigners... Never been messaged like this by another Japanese player though.
  4. Reikou

    Any Matchup tips versus Sarah, Rachel, Alpha152 and Phase 4?

    I've been having the most trouble versus Sarah, Rachel, Alpha 152 and Phase 4. Regarding Sarah, she seems to be faster than Kokoro, and can combo me forever. Its also quite hard for me to read when I can go for a punish or counter attack. Rachel is a bit different. If she can start anything...
  5. Reikou

    [PS4]Throwdowns would stop and freeze my game

    The ps4 updated the game automatically for me.
  6. Reikou

    [PS4]Throwdowns would stop and freeze my game

    Patch just came out for PS4 that apparently fixes matchmaking issues. I played for about an hour and I think they've (mostly) been resolved.
  7. Reikou

    Streaming DoA5:LR on PS4.

    Streaming DoA5:LR on PS4.
  8. Reikou

    [PS4]Throwdowns would stop and freeze my game

    I have this issue as well where matchmaking hangs forever. However I've had some good luck with throwdowns.
  9. Reikou

    DOA5LR Anything on Kokoro that can guard break and/or swing momentum in my favor against a blocker?

    I'm trying to figure out how to punish someone who is just great at guarding my attacks. Ideally something I can use to punish an opponent hard and swing momentum into my favor. Something like a stagger/guard break that I can use to chain for more damage, but any ideas would be nice. inb4...
  10. Reikou

    DOA5LR So I think I've been learning DoA/Fighting games wrong. How do I fix this?

    Yes I've played through the tutorials, and I understand basically the different mechanics in this game. However what I don't understand is how to use them properly. For example, if fighting on the frozen stage, it makes enemies slip easier so I should be using X move more often instead of Y...
  11. Reikou

    DOA5LR So I think I've been learning DoA/Fighting games wrong. How do I fix this?

    Been plaaying DoA5:LR for a while now, and I've kind of hit a ceiling in terms of what I can do, and I believe its because I learned the Dead or Alive game the "wrong way." I've mostly been playing Kokoro, my long time favorite DoA character, and can play decently. However, one thing I do...
  12. Reikou

    Kokoro Changes in 5U

    ah. ok, it makes sense. Its a stunning low that allows the followup P to hit. In which case, is there anything in Kokoro's new arsenal that can cover a similar role to the old 6P+K, P to go through guards?
  13. Reikou

    Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Soundtrack.

    Actually you're right. I just opened up my CE again. But the Disk just shows Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate soundtrack, and when you import, it also just goes to "Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Soundtrack."
  14. Reikou

    Kokoro Changes in 5U

    Eh. 6P+K -> P used to be able to go through guards. I'm not sure if "guard break" is the correct term, but yeah.
  15. Reikou

    Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Soundtrack.

    From the Japanese CE. There is no "Vol. 3 CD." Its just named "Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Soundtrack."