Recent content by Riizch

  1. Riizch

    DOA5 tutorials ??

    Master did a series of tutorials for DOA4. Obviously, 5 is a completely different animal, but those tutorials will still teach you the pure basics of DOA strategy. They're on his YouTube channel.
  2. Riizch

    Let's Bring It Together

    I think the online training sessions are an awesome way of promoting community solidarity around here. If the wider FGC come in here and see the pro's building up the newcomers into becoming proper competitive fighters like a horde of apprentices, I think it'll give people an awesome impression...
  3. Riizch

    Best character remodel.

    I think all of the re-models are great. I think Helena, Christie and Tina have benefited immensely. Bayman and Kasumi too. The only one I'm a little disappointed with is Hitomi. She looks fine and everything...I just would have preferred if they'd stuck with the alpha model, ears and all...
  4. Riizch

    Bikinis leaked

    I doubt that it matters too much that Tina, Lisa and Christie are the only one with the super skimpy suits at this stage. We're bound to get a plethora of swimsuits as DLC in the not-too-distant future. Even if they didn't market DOA5 to be out and out TnA in the run up to release (and...
  5. Riizch

    Unlockables Thread/Questions/Answers

    For the most part, I like the costumes that I've seen (with a few exceptions). The colour swaps are a bit lazy though. I just can't believe that TN would go down that route again after how much backlash they got for it with DOA4. People bashed the colour swaps like nothing else, and they've...
  6. Riizch

    Is your hype dying?

    I think my hype has died down a little bit, but only because of the costumes/titles/achievements situation. I know those things don't bother a lot of people, which is fair enough, but the costumes especially, to me, are important. So long as they release a decent amount of DLC, I'll be happy...
  7. Riizch

    Anyone else going to play through the entire story mode before anything else?

    I'll probably do a little training to get used to the new mechanics and whatnot, and then I'll play a few hundred matches with my fiancee before i go through the story mode. I usually go for all the unlockables before heading online.
  8. Riizch

    The Online Pass topic

    Lol, awesome. I'll be buying new too. September 28 can't come soon enough.
  9. Riizch

    The Online Pass topic

    Hah! Well, I'm sure they're not the only ones at fault, but hell...fuck 'em anyway! I honestly couldn't see the retailers refusing to stock a studio's games for making them pay an extra second hand sellers' license though. With what has happened to GAME group here in the UK, it's pretty...
  10. Riizch

    Dead or Alive 5: Remaining Issues

    I'm sure I read something somewhere about the frame data and whatnot having been adjusted to fit the DOA system. There's no way the VF characters would make a literal transition to DOA. They'd be practically invincible.
  11. Riizch

    The Online Pass topic

    That's my issue with disk-locked content. You buy the game, so everything that is on that disk should be yours. It'd be like buying a CD and then having to pay extra to unlock some of the songs. It's ridiculous. I can understand the publishers' thinking when they introduced the online pass...
  12. Riizch

    The Online Pass topic

    I'm not really a fan of the online pass idea, but at the same time, I can understand it. Personally though, I'd rather have a license system whereby the second hand retailers had to pay a percentage of the takings from a second hand game to the publishers to account for the lost profits rather...
  13. Riizch

    So which version is everyone all getting

    I've pre-ordered my CE for Xbox...considering pre-ordering Standard too. Money is a bit tight though, so might have to reign in my obsessive collecting...
  14. Riizch

    Did anyone notice this? (Mila's face? 24 total characters?)

    I've pretty much given up with the speculation. Not that long till September 28th.
  15. Riizch

    First DOA5 pre-order bonus

    I agree with icemage. I'd never use it on my phone either. I just want it for the collectible value. I'd never take it out of the box, just like a lot of the DOA stuff I've collected over the years.