Recent content by SayakaTheHero

  1. SayakaTheHero

    Awesome games the other day man, I've got along way to go haha

    Awesome games the other day man, I've got along way to go haha
  2. SayakaTheHero

    Nice eve photo

    Nice eve photo
  3. SayakaTheHero

    Learning Marie rose and channelling my inner loli, god this is gonna be rough haha

    Learning Marie rose and channelling my inner loli, god this is gonna be rough haha
  4. SayakaTheHero

    Marie rose newbie here

    What are some good starting tips for marie and what are some good don'ts!
  5. SayakaTheHero

    Is it so bad, the biggest pet peeve I have is kicking people while they are down?

    Is it so bad, the biggest pet peeve I have is kicking people while they are down?
  6. SayakaTheHero

    Child of light, awesome game.

    Child of light, awesome game.
  7. SayakaTheHero

    Newer Player Looking for good kokopuff tips

    nvm lol found em
  8. SayakaTheHero

    Newer Player Looking for good kokopuff tips

    Wheres the combo videos?
  9. SayakaTheHero

    Newer Player Looking for good kokopuff tips

    Thank you both so much!
  10. SayakaTheHero

    Newer Player Looking for good kokopuff tips

    err , no I'm not nick. My name is anthony.
  11. SayakaTheHero

    Newer Player Looking for good kokopuff tips

    Hey, I just started playing 2 weeks ago and I chose Kokoro as my main. I've got some of the basics down but I'm wondering if any of you have any good tips to throw my way. Thanks in advance! PS: Kinda newish to fighters, played a little skullgirls and sf4 but not well.
  12. SayakaTheHero

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Hey everyone, I'm new to doa and am currently loving it. I play core fighters on Ps3 , got over 100 games on my fave kokoro. My PSN is SayakaTheHero If any of you wanna hit up for some games ( be warned im not good..)