Recent content by t1Rabbit

  1. t1Rabbit

    DOA6 List of bugs to fix and enhancements suggestions for Team Ninja

    Xbox One X Graphics mode is pretty much useless. It fluctuates between 30-40 FPS and you drop your moves because of it. I know these kind of games needs 60 FPS but the performance mode is underwhelming on the One X, im sure this machine can do better than this graphics wise.
  2. t1Rabbit

    Opinion from a newcomer, questions about the quality of Dead or Alive!

    Agreed, its above average in 2019. But with only one online mode (right now), it should be more, or the multiplayer modes should be more. It was a mistake to release the game in this state imo. Still love the game tho, but sometimes i feel i should just put away for a few months and go back to...
  3. t1Rabbit

    Opinion from a newcomer, questions about the quality of Dead or Alive!

    It depends what people want from a fighting game. There are players who only dedicated to 1v1 online fights, and there are others who love if there is something different in these kind of games. I agreed the number of single player modes are good, but most of these modes are almost the same...
  4. t1Rabbit

    Opinion from a newcomer, questions about the quality of Dead or Alive!

    Hello there! Im a totally new Dead or Alive player, DOA 6 is my first game in the series, started 1 week ago. I want to share some negative opinions about DOA 6, and id like to ask, these things are usually the part of the DOA series, or the 6. entry is a little weaker than previous titles? I...
  5. t1Rabbit

    Overall, Dead or Alive 6 is a hard game?

    Hey there! This is my first DOA game, im playing since sunday. I played a few fighting games before like Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct, Tekken, but honestly, Dead or Alive is DAMN hard. The defense options are so complex and CONFUSING i absolutely cant find my place in it. Purchased DOA...