Free Step Dodge

I've never played the game series period. Though I could give it a shot since I was watching people play SC5 and SC4 when I was at Next Level last month. Still unknown if I'll actually sit down and actually play it (new one that is).
Surprised that anyone would still be playing SCIV offline; although I spent hours playing the game online which wasn't fun due to it's netcode which they fixed in SCV. It's a fun game but I've never taken it as serious as I've wanted.
I don't quite understand the meta for the game like I do for DOA, tekken, or SF so i'll be back on 8wayrun soon seeking guidance.
Shirataki Tsume
Shirataki Tsume
Same. I almost never played SCIV online. After I ranked up to level 2, that's it. I stopped playing online and I only play VS battle. I really dislike Tower of Lost Souls, so I avoid it most of the time. After I beat floor 60, I never played that mode again. It took guts and persistence to go through that. I would have liked it better if weren't for the stats. Venom Fang is annoying.
The worst part was for the characters who had just frames (outside of tira). The netcode was so bad the timing for just frames were drastically different for both online and offline. I played Setsuka, which was terrible because she was just frame heavy.
Did SC series had any button leniency similar to DOA? (Ex: 33 inputs can be registered as 3223 and it'll still come out. Similar to Just-Frame moves where you can input a button in between the Just-Frame and it'll still come out).

Curious because if it didn't, then it sounds like it would be quite difficult to do on the net due to timing and lack of leniency.
Shirataki Tsume
Shirataki Tsume
Soul Calibur's inputs is like Tekken, but a little bit more lenient. It's hard to observe because Soul Calibur games before Soul Calibur V didn't have a command history. I only test it by how consistent I can get when I perform moves with complex inputs like circular inputs such as Kilik's Asura Dance or Festival of the Damned.
Yeah there were two timings for the SC JF's, offline timing and online timing. It's like learning two characters if your character was JF heavy. But yeah, you guys pumped for SCVI? I think you'll like it DB. If Alpha Patroklos' style is in the game, he's as hard as Akira. As for input leniency, SC's inputs are loose, but not DOA loose. JF's of course are still tight.
Shirataki Tsume
Shirataki Tsume
Yeah, and SCVI is apparently easier to play now because they took out some of the difficult mechanics like JF ukemi, JF Guard Impact, and I think Critical Edge is now a single input move like instead of a double qcf A+B.

I wonder if just frame moves are still there or they were modified into normal input moves. Okubo wanted to focus SCVI for fun instead of competition and make new players catch up with the veterans.