Free Step Dodge

The Spine
The Spine
Her P string is just fine right now. What she really needs is a mid to high on 6P. P strings already go high/low so it's just okay.
Hm, I guess you're right although what I meant is literally from the first punch, PP doesn't have a mixup until the third hit which is either a slow high kick, mid punch, or that low low/low mid sweep which is useless unless done during a stun. 6P I think is just because...
...6P is more of a mid stunner during a stun, the 6PK and it's follow ups are more suited as a juggle ender since the second hit is always a mid kick imo, so it's more a bait/conditioner to get a reaction from an opponent during counter hit or stun. 8P already does the job imo that a mid to high can do since it's safe and can't be crouched.
The Spine
The Spine
PP is already a jail string, so there's really no need for another mix-up from P by itself. I can see on what you're saying with 6P, but I'll have to disagree. Think of it in terms of neutral, not juggles. 6P is a move that could be so much better in the sweet zone, but there's no point in throwing it out there over 4K even though it has more range, simply because there's just one follow up.
The Spine
The Spine
As far as stun game, you can say that about anything Nao does in stun, it's all just yomi because she really has nothing to be afraid of unless she delays. This is, of course, just my opinion.
I get what you're saying. Although we have different opinions on certain things she has, it's good being able to discuss Naotora with another player so conveniently
The Spine
The Spine
It is, most definitely. We should play some time. However, let me warn you, I haven't really been able to execute a lot of what I'm saying about her, as I'm still trying to get over my old main.
We definitely should! I'll be online probably starting tomorrow since my "wifi" now has more data for me to use, and don't worry I don't that at all. If anything it's good being able to play against another Naotora enthusiast, and from you're saying I can definitely tell you know your stuff :)