Free Step Dodge

I'm not sure why people believe they are entitled to hear everything said about them. I'm sure you didn't tell every teacher every complaint you made about them or notify every celebrity you spoke of to friends.
You can criticize someone's character without bullying them. For example, if someone said that you were blowing negative feedback out of proportion, that would be a criticism of your character, but it wouldn't be bullying.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
I mean it's said about me right? I should have a reason to know what's said about ME. And oh yes I told my teachers my complaints. Some applauded it. Wasn't to the extreme of my complaints about DOA but it's not like I really shy away from stating my opinion.
Why are you so fixated on being present whenever a random person shares their opinion about you? It's a completely futile endeavor, both on and offline. You're not entitled to be a part of every conversation that pertains to you. If it's a public discussion and you come across it, you're welcome to participate. But if you expect everyone to tag you whenever they criticize you, that's simply inane.
Yes, but he wasn't focused on having a dispute. He was focused on sharing his perspective analysis. Not every piece of criticism is a war on your character. People probably don't care enough to make that a concern of theirs. It's a commentary on phenomena, and you simply happened to be an anecdote.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
Because it's about ME. Was it a generalized statement? No. Was it a statement regarding someone else? No. It was a statement about ME. So if anything I have every reason to know what discussions about ME are about. No matter whom Kyo or whomever else has beef with me was talking to.
Get over yourself. He doesn't care about having a "beef" with you. This isn't some juvenile rap feud. It's a guy sharing an event he witnessed. The fact that you were the subject is just not that important, nor does it obligate your involvement in any consequential discussion.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
He disagreed with a comment I said. That's a dispute. And the worst part is one aspect of what I said was dismissed where I said "There are a few people that I respect...". So I have words typed about me and an aspect of what I said dismissed cause of the one part that me, and many others have said.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
It matters when the comments about me. I don't care what was witnessed. If someone has an issue with what I said, bring it up to me. As simple as that. No if's, and's, but's, or defense to anything. No beef. Just stating what's true.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
And with that, unless people enter my stream and speak then, this topic's done and over with.
Your obsession with what random people say in a culture that advocates free speech is very unhealthy. At some point you'll have to grow up and realize that people are going to talk about what they want and have no reason to go through the hassle to hunt you down, rope you in and make sure you're caught up with everything ever said about you.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
It's not an obsession really. I was done with what I was angry about (as always) until I find this out. So same as people have free speech to talk about me, I have free speech to react.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
It's a grown move to confront whomever and talk about what criticisms someone has. It's childish to go on your profile and take a subtle shot at me and me not knowing til someone whom Idk if he's even in this site tells me. I don't care what the intentions are.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
And no one has to hunt me down. My stream is up and running for whatever needs to be discussed. I already settled one thing and all was good.
If you don't care what his intentions are, why would he care if you're involved in the discussion? Why would he bother talking on your stream when the people he wants to talk to aren't on your stupid stream?

You have free speech to react , but you're suggesting that people should care that you think you were slighted. But you weren't and they don't.
It's not grown to be so insecure that you need to refute every negative comment ever said about you regardless whether you are present for it. It's not childish to comment about something you observed that involved actors who aren't present at the time/place/company where you wish to discuss it.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
As simple as this his dispute is between me and him and his disagreement with what I said. I don't get what's so negative about wanting to discuss what was disagreed upon? And yes it was slighted. If only one aspect of what I said's highlighted but not the other, yes it's slighted.
It's not the fact that you are disagreeing with what was said about you. It's the fact that you feel entitled to be part of the discussion whenever it occurs.
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
No one's refuting a negative comment. I know what I said and I stand by what I said. But to highlight one aspect and dismiss the other, and I'm the topic of discussion for people whom only 2 people I ever played??
T..J. Bernard
T..J. Bernard
Because I'm the topic of discussion. No matter how you word it, it's a discussion where I was mentioned in a negative fashion.