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  1. I

    "Ready to lose?" The Lei Fang Video Thread!

    My friend uploaded some matches we played about a week or so ago. I would LOVE some critique! Keep in mind this is a very low level Leifang you're about to watch xD At this point, I'm still just trying to understand the basics of the game and learn other character's movesets. Unfortunately...
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    Third Costume Pack

    I actually like how the outfit looks with the braids. I just wish the loops of her braids weren't so stiff... I mainly was wanting the ponytail so I could use it on other outfits xD And she really needs that mesh to cover up the cleavage... it just looks weird without it.
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    Third Costume Pack

    Finally, we get some DLC costumes with the guys showing a bit of skin... >:D
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    Canada Cup 2012 DOA about to start shortly...

    So apparently DoA5 had a whopping 4 entries? I'm already worried about the games lifespan. Now I'm even more worried.
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    Third Costume Pack

    Well... I'm glad to get the Leifang costume but I'm sad that there's no ponytail (apparently) and... where is the mesh? She looks trashier without it xD Plus the outfit was a one-piece and now it's not. Gah. Oh well, best be grateful that it is at least included in some form.
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    Third Costume Pack

    On the subject of hair: It bugs me that Leifang's looping part of her braid doesn't move. It moved from what... DoA3 onwards? Why stop animating it now? It just looks weird. Also: Leifang ponytail please!
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    Why is DOA 5 considered non-competitive ?

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posts! They were both helpful and insightful. I'll try approaching the game with a new mindset about how it works. Hopefully I'll get some results.
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    Why is DOA 5 considered non-competitive ?

    I managed to find a review of the game from 1up that managed to word my concerns about the gameplay more eloquently than my previous post. If anyone would like to address this, please do. I really would like to be able to get into this game but it just feels so random. More random than Marvel...
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    Why is DOA 5 considered non-competitive ?

    Perhaps you all can share some of your insight with me then, because I'm one of those players who are trying to play this game seriously for the first time and I'm having a hard time adjusting (in other words, if you were to ask for my current opinion based on my experience with the game so far...
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    The Lei Fang Challenge thread

    I'd love for an opportunity to play against some people who know what they're doing and wouldn't mind sharing some tips. While I'm not new to DoA, it will be the first game in the series I try to play seriously (only started playing fighting games beyond button mashing when SSF4 came out). So...