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  1. Niitris


    10-hit strings work on randoms online who don't know that they can be interrupted and stuff. Not on anyone who knows how to play though.
  2. Niitris

    DOA5LR Mai Shiranui DOA5LR Discussion - Guest from FF/KOF series

    The way how some strings lead into her specials kinda resemble MI2. I knew she'd make a good fit.
  3. Niitris

    DLC Costumes

    Real missed opportunity to give Mary's outfit to Tina. :/
  4. Niitris


    Summertime customs
  5. Niitris

    The King Of Fighters XIV Thread

    I'd say Mai, Sylvie, and Shun'ei. All three are pretty straightforward with fairly easy inputs. Iori has a fireball and dp which can work, but he's more complicated than he appears.
  6. Niitris

    A Discussion of sexualised design of male/female characters

    Mika too revealing for ESPN
  7. Niitris

    The King Of Fighters XIV Thread

    Everyone except the final boss. Everyone in the stream is playable except him and the mid-boss.
  8. Niitris

    The King Of Fighters XIV Thread

    Misinformation is one of the reasons people drop/don't try new games. Fighting games are about details. Glossing over them like they're not important is how misinformation spreads.
  9. Niitris

    DOA5LR Mai Shiranui DOA5LR Discussion - Guest from FF/KOF series

    They could use Maximum Impact (Reg. A) as a reference for her gameplay. I mean, the way hits flow there are more like a 3D fighter. Even came with a counter system, though a much more simplistic one. :P Doubt they will, but just something to throw out there.
  10. Niitris


    Well, didn't know the first part. I don't exactly read up on that kind of stuff, and I kinda stay away from Kotaku and SRK. Even with them being designed with the actual intent to be in the game, it doesn't negate that they were indeed products of trends for their time period. They were modern...
  11. Niitris


    Of course it was a joke, she's a exaggerated depiction of an idol. I'm not sure how anyone can consider someone like her to be serious. And yeah he knew what reaction it'd get and decided that he was gonna have fun with the outrage. It'd be naive to believe otherwise. Following trends is what...
  12. Niitris


    Harada didn't do it to troll, he did it because Japan likes idols. And he likes idols, it's no secret that he has a liking towards the Idolmaster. And it's a thing that the average fg fan doesn't like. Nothing wrong with that, but not every character is made to appeal to everyone. Simple as...
  13. Niitris


    It's because animals and robots are a different kind of weird with more universal appeal, not the same thing as otaku pandering girl. That said, the backlash was just stupid, Chloe is barely any different from the other cute, teenage girls. People are just close-minded about what types of...
  14. Niitris

    RISE UP! Street Fighter V on PS4 and PC

    Gamefaqs is like a cheap strip club. Being nearby and holding out for the one quality girl isn't worth the trouble and frustration of everything else. Ibuki's outfit is fine, everyone outraged at it "being pandering and ruining SF's image" is being insecure as fuck.
  15. Niitris


    I've played it on a cab at D&B's. I'm not nearly good enough to say how it is (at least on stick), but it very much feels similar. Sidestep nerf was noticeable, so glad to hear it was buffed. Tried Shaheen and Josie, had an easier time with the latter. Though the former's D+4 is something...
  16. Niitris

    The King Of Fighters XIV Thread

    New trailer
  17. Niitris

    A Discussion of sexualised design of male/female characters

    Nah, Puzzle Fighter are just simply cuter, deformed versions of their normal selves, not quite the same as a gravure idol dating sim. That said, Team Ninja girls ave always been on the extreme side of cartoonishly pretty. Xtreme hardly ruins them as characters, it's just a different and more...
  18. Niitris

    RISE UP! Street Fighter V on PS4 and PC

    The worst thing he lost was Slash Elbow since it was a good way to close in on an opponent, and even that has its weaknesses. He didn't lose much of anything important.
  19. Niitris

    The King Of Fighters XIV Thread

    New girl is cool, that is all.