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  1. Yare Yare

    Is defense the best offense and a few other questions.

    Im starting to get the hang of this game, but I have a few questions: It seems waiting for the AI to attack while blocking is the way to go. Block attacks, attack yourself, repeat. I don't know if this works for higher difficulties as well, but so far I did good with that (including against a...
  2. Yare Yare

    DOA5U Ok! I'm Ready anytime!! Mila DOA5U Matchups & Strategy discussion thread

    Are there any bread and butter moves/combos for Mila? Just started playing her and im still a bit overwhelmed.
  3. Yare Yare

    What was your first Dead or Alive game and what did you initially think of the series?

    I started with DoA4. Had a great time with it and wasnt really aware how much that game was considered as 80% fanservice, 20% gameplay. I wasn't really good in that game but really loved how smooth everything looked due to the counters and the stages with several areas. I hopped online, usually...
  4. Yare Yare

    DOA5LR What would be the best way to improve for beginners?

    Like, where to start? I know there are quite a few beginner tutorials, but most of them are about technics, in depth strategys and stuff. So far I main Mila and Eliot, my plan for now is to get better with Mila as I really like her MMA fighting style (and as a side note Im interested to learn...
  5. Yare Yare

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Good day everyone. Obviously im new here as well. Nothing much to say about myself, im 27 (probably a bit older than the majority here?), other than playing DoA I like to read manga and I also play smash bros, trying to reach at least a decent competitive level there. As both games, doa and...