DOAD and DLC release date adjustment for Japan

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Andriasang has released information from Tecmo on the new release date for Dead or Alive: Dimensions in Japan: May 19, 2011.

No word on if there is a change to the North American release date or not. So stay tuned for any information that may come down.

The release date for the 34 free costumes released day-by-day for free via spot pass has also been pushed back to align itself with the new release date.

Andriasang said:
It looks like today's the big day if you've been waiting for status updates on all those post-quake delayed 3DS games. Following Nintendo's announcement of a new Steel Diver date earlier in the day, Tecmo Koei announced a date for Dead or Alive Dimensions.

Originally scheduled for release on March 24, Dimensions will now arrive on May 19. Pricing remains unchanged at ¥5,800.

Going along with the delay, Tecmo Koei has thankfully pushed back the game's download content schedule. Thirty-four free costumes will be released through Spot Pass, one per day. The first costume will be offered on May 19, with one costume following every day through June 21.
For those who miss the initial download phase, Tecmo Koei will offer the downloads again from June 23 through July 26.


You think with this delay, they will fixe some things?
Can't wait to play a "new" doa ! Hope be happy for the 1st doa without the old bosses.
For Europe and USA it's look to be on the same week or almost. I will buy a Japanese one I guess...

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I think the game has been completed. The delay was primarily a manufacturing delay due to the earthquakes in Japan.

I heard the 3DS is region locked, so Europe 3DS can only play Europe games, Japan : Japan, North America : North America.


Since in first only one or two week they wanted to do dlc cos. Now it's 1month. That's why I though may be it gave them times for fixe or add things.

Yeah I know, I will buy a Japanese 3ds. Time I recieve it I will the last to play :p