FSD DOA4 Stream?

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
I remember a while back I think Balack Omamba and Peaceful Jay did a stream event for DOA4 and was wondering how if we should do one for FSD.

For those unfamiliar with a fighting game stream:

http://www.justin.tv/srklive? SRK 24/7 SSF4 AE stream (sometimes it's down but up again soon)


Anyhoo, I don't think there are enough of us DOA players for a 24/7, but I wanted to know exactly how bandwith was handled.

Say for instance I host and have my Xbox connected both to Xbox live and Ustream or Justin TV would there be way to much lag for me to "play" (affected other's connections), would I need to to use my 360 on a separate internet connection?

Other than that I would think doing it on a specific day during the week so people could watch players from the forums play would be a good thing.

Just a thought and since there is nothing DOA related going on I thought it might be fun.

If anyone has advice please post.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
I was actually planning on doing something for FSD stream related. I just have to move out of this terrible area, internet is the worst here. I should be out in a new place in about 3 weeks. Then I will back to doing what I was doing with doa online. Hosting events on the weekends, if you really are down to do this maybe we can get something going together if you want.

I wont be online though for a little while longer.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Sounds good but if you could some specifics on how this is done?

Like would one of us have to be the host system and the other be the "streamer"?

720p may not be an option atm but I think it would be nice to have at least 480p in widescreen format. I have both a Ustream and JustinTV account I barely touched but I think you had to pay extra for higher quality.

Like I said I'm really not sure how this works, but I'm sure I could contribute something if I knew more.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know how some of it works. Sorwah will be showing me more in detail next weekend. I was streaming on my own a while back but the equipment I had wasn't all that good for it. I have better stuff now so streaming quailty shouldn't be an issue. I was streaming from justintv, but UStream is better to stream from than Justintv.

I will keep in contact with you more since you down to do this. To let you know exactly on what I am going to be doing.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
It doesn't matter the quality of the source video (480i, 720p, 1080i) as the video being uploaded is typically around 320x240, smaller if it's widescreen cropping the top and bottom of the 4:3 window. There are multiple ways to stream, depending on your capture card is what determines how you will stream.

Yes, streaming would take some lag and is not advisable to be playing and streaming from what I last tried. Observing and streaming appeared fine, but it depends all on who the host of the lobby is.

And FSD uses Ustream.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
The link isn't on this site as it's not up. It will appear if it's a part of an event in the event calendar.