Master File : Offensive Hold "the missing link"


I am the reason why you are here!!!
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-Offensive holds (OH) was once originally coined back in Doa1, and is similar to that of a catch throw. Catch throws are throws that "catch" an attack as if it was a reversal. Many players in the Doa community refer to OH as if they were catch throws, this is a misconception. In Doa2 and Doa3, catch throws beat standing attacks, but had no special modifier given to them for its use against attacks. Against holds, a catch throw will result in a high counter throw(like regular throws), against throws a Counter throw modifier will be applied. When an attack of a different hit level(either High/low), will result in a High Counter Blow punishment.

-What make Offensive holds different than a Catch throw, is the damage modifier given to it for catching an attack. Like a Defensive Hold, an OH will receive a High counter hold damage modifier when it connects with the appropriate attack. Unlike a catch throw, an OH that does 55pts will do 82pts on an attacking opponent. The same damage output can be done when a Catch throw connects with a Hold, however, catch throws are poor tools for hold punishment, and were

meant to be another alternative to beating attacks. A more powerful(and faster) throw can be used to punish holds. Offensive holds like its sister the defensive hold are severely punished by throws. It is imperitive that OH are used when you know your opponent is going to do a specific attack, otherwise you are vulnerable for over 40 frames.

Crush what? Crush Who?

-There are fighters out there that have implemented the crush system yet did not flesh it out. There are times where characters who need Jabs and other high attacks (to establish any semblance of an offensive and/ or counter strategy), are without proper tools to fight off the crush syndrome.
In Doa4, the perfect anti crush are Offensive holds. 95% of all high and mid crushes in the game have a low animated state, which open up the door for Low offensive hold usage.

Effectiveness of an Anti-Crush

-A crush is only effective when done at a similar interval as its crushable attack. It is impossible to spot an attack and than proceed to do a Crushing attack, so a crush is a gamble in an attempt to beat out your attack. Patterns.tendacies is what your oppoenet will be using to crush your attacks. Awareness of such tendacies, and than creating an aproprite counter will result in a Yomi game. Here are some scenarios that can be played out:
  • Oppenent expect you to do a crushable attack, so He procedes to Crush.
  • Your attack was crushed, you know your opponent know's your tendacies, so you use a Low OH to defeat his Crushing attack. So you proceed to anti crush.
  • Your opponent become aware of your anti- crush, and forms a counter to that counter, so he proceed to throw you.
    [*]Your anti-crush was countered, so your opponent will use another counter to your anti- crush, so you use an attack to beat his counter, you proceed to do an attack.
  • Your opponent is now aware of that counter, and will proceed to Block.etc. this can go on and on.

-What is in bold is a major factor in this Anti-crush. If your opponent see you using OH to beat his crush, he will use a throw to counter it. Unlike throws, OH are not punished heavily with attacks. Using attacks to reinforce the anti crush will cause your opponent to think twice about using a throw to beat your anti crush, which will result in crushes being used less by your opponent.

Offensive Holding over attacking:


-With fighting games being very attack oriented, giving every character an Offensive hold provides another avenue for Offense. In other major fighters, attacks that give frame advantage on block are used to continue offense. In Doa, the combination of string manipulation + Offensive holds provide the player with the ability to mount a continous offense. a player who uses OH's very well will keep his opponent from spamming attacks, while also conditioning his opponent to utilize throws to counter OH use. This opens up the gate for Offensive holders to bait and switch. An attack (launcher) can be used as a substitute and a heavy punisher for a fouled throw attempt. Having an attack launcher as a back up will enforce the use of the OH.


-The heighest punishment for an OH is a High counter throw. This is largest punishment (or Reward) in the game. Using OH carelessly will result in such punishment. 95% of OH have tell tell signs that it is a OH as opposed to it being a throw. Also, throws beat OH in any of its frames, so it is imperitive that you catch your opponent, or face high punishment.

Master File's Missing Link

-The Maser File do not make many mentions about Offensive holds, nor did they make a ranking for it. Here is a FSD's "master file" ranking for OH.

17 frame OH Rank:
  • 1. :jannlee :qcf :F:+:p :pause :F:+:p 40(+20)pts(wall + Floor)
  • 2. :spartan :6:F:+:P 50 pts(+wall)
  • 3. :hitomi :qcf :F:+:p :pause :F:+:p 40(+20)pts(+Floor)
  • 4. :brad :6:F:+:P 47pts(+wall + floor)
  • 5. :lisa :6:F:+:P 45pts (+wall + floor + 16 frame OH)
  • 6. :eliot :6:6 :F:+:p 45pts(+ wall + floor + high crush)
  • 7. :bayman :6:F:+:P 45pts (+wall + 16 frame OH)
  • 8. :bass :6:f:+:P 45pts(+ floor + 16 frame OH)
  • 8. :tina :6:6:F:+:p 45pts(+ floor + 16 frame OH)
  • 10. :leon :6:F:+:P 45pts (+/-wall + Floor + 16 frame)
  • 11. :hayate :qcf :F:+:p 45pts(+floor + high crush)
  • 12. :hayabusa :6:6 :F:+:p 45pts(+wall + floor)
  • 12. :kokoro :236:F:+:P 45pts(+wall + floor)
  • 12. :christie :qcf :F:+:p 45pts(+wall + floor)
  • 12. :ayane:qcf :F:+:p 45pts(wall + floor)
  • 12. :genfu :6:6:F:+:p 45pts(+wall + floor)
  • 17. :tengu :6:F:+:P 45pts (+wall )
  • 18. :zack :qcf :F:+:p 45pts(+wall)
  • 19. :kasumi :qcf :F:+:p 45pts(+floor)
  • 19. :helena :qcf :F:+:p 45pts(+floor)
  • 19. :ein :qcf :F:+:p 45pts(+floor)
  • 22. :leifang :6:6:F:+:p 40 pts (+wall + floor)

10 frame OH Rank:
  • 1. :tengu :3:F:+:P :pause :7:k, :8:P:+:K 72 pts (+floor)
  • 2. :spartan :3:F:+:P :pause :3:P:p, :6:P:P:K 61pts (+wall + Floor)
  • 3. :tina :3:F:+:P 58pts(+floor)
  • 4. :ein:3:F:+:p 58pts
  • 5. :bass :3:F:+:P 53pts(+floor)
  • 6. :bayman :3:F:+:P :pause :2:F:+:P 40(+25)pts
  • 7. :hitomi :3:F:+:P 50pts(+wall + floor)
  • 7. :hayate :3:F:+:P 50pts(+wall + floor)
  • 7. :genfu :3:F:+:P 50pts(+wall + floor)
  • 10. :hayabusa :3:F:+:P 50pts(+floor)
  • 10. :zack:3:F:+:p 50pts(+floor)
  • 12. :lisa :3:F:+:P 50pts
  • 13. :leifang :3:F:+:P 47pts(+wall + floor)
  • 14. :kasumi :3:F:+:P 45pts(+ wall + floor)
  • 14. :eliot :3:F:+:P 45pts (+wall + floor)
  • 14. :jannlee :3:F:+:P 45pts (+wall + floor)
  • 17.:brad :3:F:+:P 45pts(+floor)
  • 17. :christie :3:F:+:P 45pts(+floor)
  • 17. :ayane :3:F:+:P 45pts(+floor)
  • 17. :helena :3:F:+:P 45pts(+floor)
  • 21. :leon :3:F:+:P 30(+25)pts (+floor)
  • 22. :kokoro :3:F:+:P 30pts (+ 20 frame advantage)