News MCV interviews Hayashi and Shimbori on Last Round and PC


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Is LR dx9 or dx11? If dx11, does ENB work on that?

This is the million dollar question.
That is a very good question and I think I can try to find that answer with some help from a friend.

My guess is that they'll have dx10 or 11 builds of the game when LR comes out but then again, I haven't ever heard of Japanese devs shipping their games with different builds. Ever.

My guess as of right now is dx9 for Doa5 & 5U and dx11 and dx10/9 for PC for LR. TN does seem to have the resources to ship the game with different library builds but whether they do it or not is something I'm not willing to gamble on, hence why I haven't pre-ordered.

To anyone who is more concerned about modding and its moral implications, you should actually be more concerned about whether they can ship a stable build for PC that won't shit itself. That should be your primary concern.

My suggestion is to wait until the game is released and then make a decision afterwards.


Well-Known Member
This whole s*** show is tragically funny to me..because I don't even care about modding the game.
I just want to play my favorite fighting game on my laptop wherever I go.


Is LR dx9 or dx11? If dx11, does ENB work on that?

This is the million dollar question.

ENB only works for DX9. It post-processes that which DX11 pre-processes, but in conjunction with things like SweetFX it often ends up resulting in a better looking game than most DX11 based engines.

But yes, it is the million dollar question. In either case we will have a good looking game, but DX9 is ironically preferred here.


New Member
Will my dreams for having future DOA game on PC be shattered? I don't wanna end up having an extra console =(

My PS3 is already collecting dust.