Characters Momiji wishlist?


Well-Known Member
With the very much hinted release of a new patch to include Marie Rose, would there be anything (if at all) that Momiji would need buffing or nerfing in?

I think she's fine left alone as she is now, but there are some things I'd really wish she would have.
1. 6H+K to track (it would finally give her a tracking mid K, and the animation definitely looks like it should track)
2. Make Junyo-Izuna's timing more lenient.
3. H+K to not wallsplat
4. 2P to have a little more range
5. Tenku K to be mid

That's all I could think of. The only I would really say she needs the most is #2. The rest would be pretty ideal.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
  1. running :H+K: as a standalone move... 236H+K or whatever (maybe reduce range)
  2. :4::P: in :P::P::P::4::P: as an option from her :3::P:
  3. add some Dmg to her Izuna as well... the throw part of Ryu's version does 48 and Momiji's 10+24, so 10+30 is fine imo.


Well-Known Member
I feel momiji is in a good spot but it would be awesome if they buffed her Izuna and as you said make her 6H+K track


Well-Known Member
Must haves:
Izuna needs buffing. I'd say it's harder to time than Ryu's and she only has one way to get into it. Effort to damage ratio is so far off on this move it hurts.

:6::P: and :3::P: hurt boxes need looking at. She can have some massive issues with just being flat out stuffed.

:6::4::h: needs a look at. Idea below but something has to be done.

:214::P::P+K: to stagger to 15 (currently 14)

Running :H+K: to have a standing input. (:236: or :6::6:)

:3::P: to launch vs. Sitdown opponents.

:3::P::P: -1 on block (-3 currently). Because this game needs more frame traps. Momiji for top tier.

Nice stuff:
:214::P: to stagger to 15 (currently 13)

:6::4::h: to give +10 BT opponent (like :6::h: for kicks) for punches. Currently does less damage than :4::h:.
:6::4::h: to give FT (:1::P::2::K:).

:1::P: -4 on NH (currently -7).

:3::P::4::P: :8: - Uzukaze transfer. This could be cool as fuck for combo's with Uzukaze ~ :P::K: refloat.

Somewhere between this and below:
:8::P: -5 on block. I'd even trade off a different safe move for this. Basically a +1 for high hitting safe moves.

:624::H+P: to do head mount throw from ground. i12, launch height slightly lower on NH, same as on CH/HCH.

Things that may be a bit overkill:
Front facing feint stun (she has :P: from BT currently).

:3::P: to have a kick follow up that leaves her safe (or like :3::P::K::P: that is -3 (follow up explains why), final punch would be same as :3::P::P:).

This is about everything I can think of off top of my head.
Things she doesn't need are more tracking and more safety (I know what some of my propositions are but a high safe move that has decent speed and isn't from a string (which end up mid) would be nice).

Give her a safe Uzukaze move or a frame trap and we have top tier (discuss).
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Well-Known Member
New add on.
:2::K: to be i13 or sit downs to stagger to 16 (or just :6::H+K: worst case).

Reason is I'd like a trip stun out of sit down...
:2::K: to stagger to 12/13 (Currently 11) (fastest stagger escapes :6::P:, fast gives it for free)


Well-Known Member
I said this to saber last week but I'll post my thoughts on it here too:

:6::H+K: tracking call.
I don't see the need. The move is too slow to warrant a neutral use, though tracking could fix that the ability to just jab it wouldn't warrant it tracking. If it was used as an answer to a SS, she'll be beat out.

I think it functions fine and she already has all the counter SS jazz she needs (:4::P: and :1::P: off top of my head).
These are my personal thoughts on that subject.


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen/ pulled off, I'd like to talk about possible changes for Momiji's movelist in DOA6.

  • Tenku :H+P: becoming a tracking throw. Nerf/buff launch height accordingly.
  • Izuna damage buff.
  • :426::H+P: damage buff or removal. :6::6::H+P: does more damage on floor danger zones for 5 less frames.
  • Tenku :K: gets a wall-splat range boost. Possibly remove CB.
  • :3::P::4::P::8: addition (this sounds swaggy as f**k, Yaguar)
  • Maybe an Uzukaze :P::P::4862::H+P: option on launched opponents.