Post Your Ninja Records!


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Ninja Gaiden Black - Master Ninja; seriously it might be the best game on the planet, because I was never driven to play a game as intensely as this one. It was one of the harder games in my collection for sure, but it was also the video game of video games. The game that reminds you why you play them to begin with.

I bought 2 on 360, and I have all the weapon achievements, but after beating the game so many times just to get those, I was too tired to finish out all the difficulties... and then the game came out again as Sigma 2. I don't care for these games like I did Black.

3 and Razor's Edge, I have barely scratched the surface. Even though it was good, and even though it was fun. Hearing CyberEvil cuss out bosses in trials was the ninja record for this one. Got most of the trials done on UN ifr. I was on a bad trip the whole time as well.

What I really want is Xbox ONE/PS4 Ninja Gaiden 4. 3 was so bad it was hard to cover up the blemishes with a re-release.

And don't be silly, Ninja Gaiden is liked by a lot of people here, and it should be, but 3 just didn't deliver like it could have and now people are waiting for the next. There is just zero hype revolving around Ninja Gaiden at the moment. It sucks.


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Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Good stuff Malth. Keep them pictures coming ;)
Master 3: fastest time and karma isn't correct, fastest time is 2:57, karma idk what my karma is lol


