

Premium Donor
Xiaoyu isn't easy imo but she's a good beginner character for experts looking into characters with multiple stances, and Lei Wulong would be the most difficult in that category while Xiaoyu is far easier to manage but it depends. When I was younger and used her before dropping her for Lili I had no difficulty with her and I can still use her but I've forgotten most of her combos and I'm still a little annoyed they took away her T5 vanilla forward+circle kick and her cartwheels


Active Member
Xiaoyu isn't easy imo but she's a good beginner character for experts looking into characters with multiple stances, and Lei Wulong would be the most difficult in that category while Xiaoyu is far easier to manage but it depends. When I was younger and used her before dropping her for Lili I had no difficulty with her and I can still use her but I've forgotten most of her combos and I'm still a little annoyed they took away her T5 vanilla forward+circle kick and her cartwheels
Like dark side hero you guys are looking too hard at stances and should look more at things that are normal in tekken like throw breaking and Korean back dashing. Characters have certain moves to get characters outta stances like djs b3 which stuffs Xiaoyu aop any day


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Easy dude california rolls and art of Phoenix too easy foo. At least laws dragon sign stance is pretty complex todo.
DSS isn't "that" essential to Law's game play though, then the point behind thw moves he already has for the player, even for beginners. It's like Hwoarang's Just Frame Sky Rocket; it's definitely useful but it is a bonus if the llayer knows how (and when) to do it. The Xiaoyu player on the other hand has to be able to break through turtles because she normally has a rough time with them, thus she has to rely on her stance mixups and her okizeme to get work done. The buffs she gotten in T7 augmented her abilities to make her viable in tourmanents (and I would also hope that other characters currently lower on the tier lisr would get some buffs as well). Trying to play Xiaoyu without the stances and her setups is like trying to play a Mishima without Wave Dash mixups and EWGF. You cannot do that. And, recommending these kind of characters to beginners is a good way to screw the said players over on really learning the game. And, who exactly are you to tell ME how Xiaoyu plays?

Also, Devil Jin has be b4. Not b3. And, Xiaoyu evade b4 even while in AOP, depending on how quick and smart the the Xiaoyu player is. As Devil Jin, you can poke around more at distance and try to wait for Xiaoyu to whiff something back or to put her at a disadvantage at wall. The idea as a Mishima (or any character) is to prevent the opponent from attempt AOP or to turtle them out.
As for universal options, every character in the game can KBD. Every character in the game can side step. Everybody has the same options as far as the real game mechanics go. DSS is a concept that is exclusive to Law. AOP, Mistrust, and Hypnosis are elements that are crucial and are exclusive to Xiaoyu (and you cannot play Xiaoyu without those stances, unless you hate winning or you find something wrong with... winning your matches. EWGF (or EWHF if you are a regular Jin player) is a must have for a Mishima and EVERY player who wants to utilize those characters HAS to do those things. There is a big difference between character-specifics and universal game play mechanics. Note; some characters have a slight better SS than others. Some characters have shorter or further distances on their regular back dashes (hence why you use KBD in the first place). There is also a matter of whether or not the characters will "need" those moves. For example; you play Hwoarang withoit a Jusy Frame Sky Rocket. But, you can't play Steve Fox without knowing how to use f3 stance transitions or Peakaboo for example. If you think some one like Xiaoyu or Nina for example are "easy" to play, then... good luck proving it. Really.

And , that's Great Dark Hero to you. Not "dark side hero."
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Active Member
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese and a large soda. Congrats, dark side hero. I didn't main dj but I've seen that move alot. That being said alot of what u I say are true to an extent except for steve like needing to learn peekaboo stance. Xiaoyu is hella easy like lili with matterhorn and cartwheel.


Premium Donor
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese and a large soda. Congrats, dark side hero. I didn't main dj but I've seen that move alot. That being said alot of what u I say are true to an extent except for steve like needing to learn peekaboo stance. Xiaoyu is hella easy like lili with matterhorn and cartwheel.
Lili's shears to cartwheel and her BT shears to spinning edge is unsafe tho and very telegraphed as well as not tracking and her matterhorn ascension is horribly unsafe, sure the launch is great but it's so unsafe. I prefer her angel knee to to front kick since its safe while her angel knee to matterhorn ascension is probably one of the riskiest things you can do. My favorite moves with her is thorn whip, direct persuasion, slashing vine, and I like her WC horizon slide. Her new spinning attack is definetly my favorite, I'll be abusing that quite a bit when I get the game as well as her first ten hit combo, it catches quite a few people off guard when used randomly and at the right time


Active Member
Lili's shears to cartwheel and her BT shears to spinning edge is unsafe tho and very telegraphed as well as not tracking and her matterhorn ascension is horribly unsafe, sure the launch is great but it's so unsafe. I prefer her angel knee to to front kick since its safe while her angel knee to matterhorn ascension is probably one of the riskiest things you can do. My favorite moves with her is thorn whip, direct persuasion, slashing vine, and I like her WC horizon slide. Her new spinning attack is definetly my favorite, I'll be abusing that quite a bit when I get the game as well as her first ten hit combo, it catches quite a few people off guard when used randomly and at the right time
U say but u unsafe but when using it correct since it's a high crush you can blow up alot of people.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
@KasumiLover69 Don't waste your time. Pedopia is too delusional to get how high-level Tekken works between the characters. Several things he said was suspect but now he is starting to sound like some schmuck from Eventscrubs or the youtube comments.


Premium Donor
@KasumiLover69 Don't waste your time. Pedopia is too delusional to get how high-level Tekken works between the characters. Several things he said was suspect but now he is starting to sound like some schmuck from Eventscrubs or the youtube comments.
It could also just be opinion based too, from what I'm reading he seems more focused on general moves and I think it's understandable if he thinks certain characters are easy since difficulty varies for everyone like I'm gonna be honest, Lars and alisa are probably some of the easiest tekken characters to use but u can't use them at all, Anna Williams is much easier for me to handle lol but that's more since I prefer string heavy characters with lots of options

Speaking of which there's complete frame data for all the characters! It's not completely finished but it's good for what's it got atm



Active Member
@KasumiLover69 Don't waste your time. Pedopia is too delusional to get how high-level Tekken works between the characters. Several things he said was suspect but now he is starting to sound like some schmuck from Eventscrubs or the youtube comments.
Your going there eh. Why not talk about players rather than characters cause if u wanna argue semantics than every character in tekken character is homogenous in their own way.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Your going there eh. Why not talk about players rather than characters cause if u wanna argue semantics than every character in tekken character is homogenous in their own way.

With all the bad information you were trying to share earlier, you're not really in a position to suggest anything.


Active Member
With all the bad information you were trying to share earlier, you're not really in a position to suggest anything.
It was said by Nin that tekken takes a At least 2 plus years to know. I ain't no character specialist so what I fucked up djs b1. I've been flexing tekken muscle since the electric wind god fridays and sd tekken days so I don't know why you're getting up in my grill.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
It was said by Nin that tekken takes a At least 2 plus years to know. I ain't no character specialist so what I fucked up djs b1. I've been flexing tekken muscle since the electric wind god fridays and sd tekken days so I don't know why you're getting up in my grill.
Because you are spreading misinformation about characters you don't even play while also making a load of bogus statements on who is beginner-friendly and who isn't.


Premium Donor
I think this chart is an accurate representation of character difficulty


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Difficulty in learning the game? Is there a reason why Hei, Devil Jin, and Kazuya are in the green category while Regular Jin is in the yellow? Leo, Jack-7, and (in a manner of speaking) Asuka would have to be put into the easier category as well. Yeah, that list is definitely opinionated. I'm not sure where these ideas are coming from. Plus there is a small label mistake beside Lee's name.

(I am not trying sound mean. But, recommending Mishima's to newcomers will not yeild very good results).


Premium Donor
I think it's more for their moveset, but I'm not really sure, the list is accurate but it does have some flaws

Also saw this on Twitter


Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
If you missed the hype stream.

Cathedral of Sirius music has been changed (the new music is much more fitting anyway).

Button mapping now available. Players can now assign rage arts to ONE button instead of sticking to the characters' default inputs (Gouki players will be happy about this)

Bryan's qcb+3 no longer combos nor has launch properties.

Eddy players have officially got fucked... ♫♫ NENENE ♫♫

Offline mode section contains: Arcade Battle, Treasure Battle (new ghost battle mode?), V.S. Battle and Practice.

More stuff here:


Premium Donor
If you missed the hype stream.

Cathedral of Sirius music has been changed (the new music is much more fitting anyway).

Button mapping now available. Players can now assign rage arts to ONE button instead of sticking to the characters' default inputs (Gouki players will be happy about this)

Bryan's qcb+3 no longer combos nor has launch properties.

Eddy players have officially got fucked... ♫♫ NENENE ♫♫

Offline mode section contains: Arcade Battle, Treasure Battle (new ghost battle mode?), V.S. Battle and Practice.

More stuff here:
No....so what will happen to the old round one theme of the cathedral stage?? I loved that one