The International Interviews: #1 Soy


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Hello it's A1R GEAR! I've been living here in South Korea for nearly a year and now it's almost time for me to depart to Japan. I have been treated very well here with generosity and respect. The South Korean players are always willing to learn how to improve in the game and never show any signs of disrespect or hatred towards other players. It has been all smiles through out my entire time here. The small yet strong community have been getting better as the months have flown by. It's crazy to believe the vast improvement in such a small span of time. I just wished you guys could witness it with me as well. Now it's time for me to give a little back to the South Korean community. I will be interviewing a couple of the players and their DOA careers. The goal is to give them much needed exposure since I believe that they deserve it. Now, enough about me and let's get this show on the road...

@FrogSoy has been one of the first players I met over here. He's been a great friend and a fun player to play against. It helps me a ton that he speaks English well! What a chill guy to hang out with! Oh btw, he's also the main training partner of test (Korea's #1 player). He's relatively new to the scene as DOA5 is his first game, but man this guy has the ability to grasp and learn the game quickly. Quick adaptation is one of the many keys in order to become sucessful in DOA and that is one he definitely has acquired which is needed in order to become test's training partner. With less than 13 months of experience and already this vast amounts of knowledge of the game, I'm excited to see where his DOA future leads him. Now let's begin!

What is your name and gaming alias?
Hello guys! My name is Soy Park and my online tag name is Little witch Loli.

Who is your main character in DOA5LR?

How long have you been playing DOA5 casually and competitively?
I started playing DOA5 exactly 1 year ago. I started learning how to play Nyotengu on Septemeber 2 which is also my birthday lol! I started competing competively 2 months later thanks to Nyotengu. So, Nyotengu made me want to play DOA! :)

What do you typically do in order to prepare for an upcoming tournament?
It all begins with doing some image training and how to impress the spectators. Tournaments are always winner takes all. However, if you are in the audience’s point of view; I wanted to be that spectacle who made those electrifying moves and amazing comebacks. I was always sold on that movement and still am today.

What are the tournaments you have attended and accomplishments you have had in DOA?
Cong DOA # 2 Tournament
: 2nd Place
Arcade Steam Double Elimination: Top 4
TGN Playes 5 on 5 (DOA Festival): Top 8
These are not great results, but I am trying my best to get better results.

Which version of DOA do you like and hate the most? Why?
I haven't really thought about the previous DOA versions. I never played any of those games before. However, the first time I saw Rachel’s down stomp move made it very unbalance. Down press heel kick is a cheap shot!

Is there anything you would like to see changed or added in DOA5LR such character balances, more characters or stages?
The New Danger zone map (Electric Bouncing) is not good map. [I hope] it will be banned in tournaments! lol

Do you watch any of the US DOA tournaments? What do you think of the players? Play style? Any players you enjoy watching or would like to play against?
[The] Korean players have been watching US DOA Battle Royal Series including me. US players have always been very aggressive and dynamic players. My favorite players are E mann, Xcaliburbladez and Sweet Revenge. They are inspiration to me all the time. Much respect to them.

Who are the players people should know about in South Korea?
I think people should know about test, Tonyrobo, SRF, nakbii, Shaballa chocho, fkzh2, yoosee and Rath_Aus. They are the top players in South Korea in my opinion

Do you have a personal tier list on DOA5LR? What would it be?
My subjective Character Tier List
A : Christie, Kasumi, Jann lee, Gen fu
B: Ayane, Hayate, Lisa, Leifang, Hitomi, Hayabusa, Helena, Mila, Rig, Akira, Kokoro,
Brad wong, Pai, Sarah, Zacky, Leon, Zack, Bayman, Rachel, Marie rose, Tina, Phase 4, Bass
C: Nyotengu, Ein, Honoka, Raidou, Eliot, Alpha-152, Momiji

Do ever want to travel to the US to meet and play the players?
It is easy for Korean players play against the Japaness players since we are close to each other. It is not easy for us to meet and play the US players. I hope one day I can go to the US to meet them and have some matches! :)

Do you have a Twitter, Facebook or Youtube channel people can follow you on?
Twitter : @FrogSoy
Facebook :
Youtube Channel :

Any messages or shout outs you would like to say to anyone that reads this?
My DOA ideology is all about using sense of values which includes creative set ups, mix-ups, body vision, knowledge of frame data, reacting to situations, sidesteps, stagger escape, using map gimmicks and landforms, rising battle techniques, evading enemy’s holds, spacing, and not missing [any] punishes. It also includes using the ceiling, object, walls, water and ice flow, to form combos..and the most important factor is the player himself/herself I think. Everyone deserves to feel like that. Thanks for reading people and Air Gear!

I'm open to any kind of constructive feedback whether it be good or bad. If anyone has any questions for the future players I will be interviewing, either post below or post it on my twitter account @Ikodomo Thank you and see you next time!
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Well-Known Member
Interesting read. It is quite impressive how strong one's willpower can be to improve despite not having relatively much experience.


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Sounds like he's enjoying DOA. I can't believe people think danger zone should be banned. It's what DOA players should want.

Crimson should be banned because of the lag that always happens at the beginning of the match.

If this is the intro to your series, cool and good job. Though this is not the first international interview to be conducted on this site.
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Well-Known Member
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Very nice interview @ikodomo! Soy just seems to have a really great attitude with regards to DOA!

I wish more people were like that in the West...


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Very nice to hear from south Korea :) enjoyed the interview, glad to know about talent newcoming to doa and its competitive scene :) keep it up!


Active Member
Koreans are too busy trying to compete in Tekken Crash i dont know if they care much about this game.


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i watched it but it was quite disappointing.

Did you watch the Team Battle tournament? A Japanese player won that. Even if you didn't enjoy the tournament you should have at least taken a notice to the numbers... believe the tournament had a higher turnout than any tournament in the states or Europe this year.


Active Member
Did you watch the Team Battle tournament? A Japanese player won that. Even if you didn't enjoy the tournament you should have at least taken a notice to the numbers... believe the tournament had a higher turnout than any tournament in the states or Europe this year.
I saw both and it was broing (mispelled it whoo). Also JP commentary was more hype then the English ones.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your feedback! I'm happy to see most of you enjoy the interview. Hopefully, I can make the next one as good as well. I will now be releasing new interviews each and every Wednesday so stay tuned for the next one! Thank you!


very interesting its very rare to find a DOA player in korea because most of them are competitive tekken players. i like how he lay his tier list unlike eventhubs or the people community are predictable to it.


Active Member
very interesting its very rare to find a DOA player in korea because most of them are competitive tekken players. i like how he lay his tier list unlike eventhubs or the people community are predictable to it.
Because tekken is koreas sub culture well used to be anyway.