yet another consequence of unholdables: distance


Well-Known Member
Found another weird niche side effect of the obscure 1F unholdable bug.
(inputs: Mila 64H, 2T, 2T. Last throw not guaranteed, it's just to showcase the bug)

Just so we're on the same page, the so called "unholdable" is a DOA bug that (mostly) prevents your character from doing anything for 1 frame after completing any animation in the game.
There are 2 types of unholdables afaik, with slightly different things you CAN actually do:
1. Block/No block
   (e.g. after a non-critical stun, whiffing holds/throws/strikes that have no crouching frames in them)
2. Block/No block + choose between Standing/Crouching
   (e.g. after a critical stun, guard break, wake ups, whiffing strikes that have crouching frames)

So here's what's going on:
- Throws are a combination of the buttons H+P.
- In the clip, we're dealing with unholdable type #1.
- You can actually choose between 2 different blocking animations for the unholdable frame: blocking with the H animation, or blocking with the idle animation. (SIDE NOTE: during that idle animation frame you can still block strikes if the game detects you're holding back)
- The 1st frame of the H animation compared to the 1st frame of the idle animation moves the character in a ever so slightly different position, enough for Mila to grab a different part of the body.

So in conclusion, when buffering the last throw, if we hold T Mila will grab the leg, but if we tap T Mila will grab the head!
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