YouTroll: The official thread recognizing the Trolls of Youtube

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Basic rules for this thread:

  • Post/Link YT vid where a troll's comment originates
  • Quote comment that draws the attention of a highlighted troll
    (copy/paste allowed, quotebox preferred)
    (if troll's comment is responding to the vid and not to a comment, only the troll's comment need be quoted)
  • Quote troll's response(s) to previous comment to be remembered and laughed at here by the viewing public
You may post multiple comments/responses originating from a vid, just be sure to label them in a way to prevent ambiguity. Identifying names of commenters or trolls is optional, however, is encouraged!

I'll start, as this originates from a vid I forgot I commented on some time ago (I get email notifications when people reply to comments) ...

^ interesting channel, BTW (TYT University)

GameOverV1 said:
The key is to simply be INTERESTING. Where the majority of nice guys FAIL, is that they generally try TOO HARD to be nice to someone they like, and in the process, make themselves come off as boring and predictable. Whereas the jerks/a**holes frequently come off as FAR more spontaneous and interesting when they really just don't give enough sh*ts about who they are talking to to be "nice" all the time.

Response (Troll):
ImmaVegit0 said:
Hmm, then why do people make romantic shows/movies where being sweet to a girl lands you in bed. You are simply stating what works for you, and you probably pick up nasty used up sluts who enjoy toying with pricks that walk around with a stupid non-interested look on their face. Whether you are a good person, or a shithead like GameOverV1, the fact is the number 1 thing girls admittedly are attracted to is money, so stay in school don't try to become a homeless drug addict badass.

Good thing reality works like it does onscreen ... oh, wait!