Will you buy all the dlc?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wouldn't mind this idea at all. This is fair even though I'd like it to be all there when I get the game.
Oh I don't want them holding back content from the disc to release as DLC. I would like a legitimate expansion down the line to bring something new to the game.


if they plan to release old sountracks costumes and levels or even new ones, i'd buy those without regrets.I am against dlc characters though.
Old soundtrack in SCV was great imo as old school costumes in MK9.I just don't understand why capcom and namco never thought to release levels?I think it's the best way to keep a game fresh.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Selling music for a game on a system that supports custom soundtracks is akin to asking for donations, really. I'd never buy music for a game unless it came bundled with more significant content.


Selling music to anyone ever is asking for a donation, though.

Internet is a wonderful thing.


Buying a crappy game for a demo is also a donation ^^.
Depends on the system for custom soundtrack,i use a ps3 and choosing a soundtrack for specifics levels was a good thing.SCV soundtracks were not as expensive imho.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Selling music for a game on a system that supports custom soundtracks is akin to asking for donations, really. I'd never buy music for a game unless it came bundled with more significant content.

Unlike the custom soundtrack option, purchasing a music option will have music automatically switch out with menu music and end of round/match timing. It's off putting to listen to a music track that isn't in sync with actual match in progress.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Not like the gameplay really syncs up with the music, so other than tracks ending and starting with your matches, I don't see the benefit. I get where you're coming from but I guess that simply doesn't bother me.


Well-Known Member
60$ worth of DLC for NG3??
I will get any DLC they offer for DOA, but they better have unlockables on the disk!


Well-Known Member
Do you use most of the Street Fighter characters? I hate the way Capcom does DLC. If you wanted to buy all of the costumes right now, it would cost $48.50 for the three costumes packs. More than the game itself. I'm glad they had character packs. And I hate the fact that they'll release the discount pack at the end. All the costumes are done when the game is released.
Not all costumes were done. Only the initial sets. Alternate 3 was developed months after the game was released.

As for characters, I'll paraphrase what one player turned developer has stated. Paying for characters is better than unlocking them as anyone who's had to spend 3 hours hitting the coin switch on an MvC2 cab can attest to.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
As for characters, I'll paraphrase what one player turned developer has stated. Paying for characters is better than unlocking them as anyone who's had to spend 3 hours hitting the coin switch on an MvC2 cab can attest to.

Well this game had a shit load of characters. I think I would pay for that.


As for characters, I'll paraphrase what one player turned developer has stated. Paying for characters is better than unlocking them as anyone who's had to spend 3 hours hitting the coin switch on an MvC2 cab can attest to.

But why "section off" characters at all? Obviously now-a-days, sectioning off content for unlocks is meant to appeal to the casual gamer who just wants the sensation of feeling like they're "accomplishing" something. That can be saved for other things that don't affect the main game and the "chess-like" aspect of fighters that Harada and a few others have cited. Costumes, mini-games and things of that nature should be good enough, so that people who just want to jump to training mode and learn a specific character don't HAVE to grind out a few play-throughs of arcade/story mode just to unlock somebody that they want.


Well-Known Member
But why "section off" characters at all? Obviously now-a-days, sectioning off content for unlocks is meant to appeal to the casual gamer who just wants the sensation of feeling like they're "accomplishing" something. That can be saved for other things that don't affect the main game and the "chess-like" aspect of fighters that Harada and a few others have cited. Costumes, mini-games and things of that nature should be good enough, so that people who just want to jump to training mode and learn a specific character don't HAVE to grind out a few play-throughs of arcade/story mode just to unlock somebody that they want.
As you mentioned. Sectioning off or locking is done for casual players who want to feel a sense of accomplishment.

Off course, the solution to this is to do what Mike_Z did for Skullgirls - all characters available for Versus play, but having them (the sub-bosses) locked for Story Mode.