The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Face time isn't the issue so much as people aren't liking what they're seeing

I prefer it this way it's a small little something just showing "hey I liked Yaiba" rather than some super cool outfit that would cause some people to buy a game they don't even want. And trust me a zombie hanging around Ryu's neck is going to get attention possibly more so considering it doesn't look like your standard DLC


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Going to derail this: I'm pretty sure I just spent over $200+ for costumes. But I decided to splurge a little. Lol


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Lol, a zombie clinging to Ryu's back and tiny zombie hands grabbing Momiji's boobs? XD That's so bad, it's almost awesome again!


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LOL Someone finally did it.


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So the Yaiba DLC is simply C1 with a zombie? Waste of costume slot for Ryu then. It could have been a shoulder button attachment (L1/L2/R1/R2 to attach corpse) than an entirely new costume.

My main and secondary main happens to have the same bust size? I always thought Sarah was flatter but oh well. I thought Christie would be bigger than Tina.


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So the Yaiba DLC is simply C1 with a zombie?
No. This costume has no shirt, and the kunai sticking out of the bottom make it look similar to the pants of his SPirit of the Fighter outfit.

I mean it's still lame, just lame in a different form.


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No. This costume has no shirt, and the kunai sticking out of the bottom make it look similar to the pants of his SPirit of the Fighter outfit.

I mean it's still lame, just lame in a different form.

brute he still has his shirt you seem to be mistaking his bicep for his torso....christ Ryu is ripped


Well-Known Member
No. This costume has no shirt, and the kunai sticking out of the bottom make it look similar to the pants of his SPirit of the Fighter outfit.

I mean it's still lame, just lame in a different form.

No shirt? I can simply see the C1 sleeveless bodysuit top.


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LOL Someone finally did it.
View attachment 3963
Seem to be the "official" measurements, but they don't really correspond with the actual character models ingame.
A while ago, we had the actual ingame measurements here in this thread too. Lisa, Helena and Kasumi were much further and Momiji and Sarah much lower in the charts.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
So why exactly is Ryu's upper body invisible? :confused:


Sorry TN if you want me to buy Yaiba you're gonna have to try a whole lot harder than that. :/


Well-Known Member
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brute he still has his shirt you seem to be mistaking his bicep for his torso....christ Ryu is ripped
Oh. It actually appears I was confusing the wall behind him for his chest. His stance is sorta odd and the zombie didn't help me to discern it. Now that I see he's doing the "Hinder my spirit" pose, that explains the kunai being placed so high as well.

But yeah, you're right. Just C1 with a zombie.

Wow. Talk about lazy.


Well-Known Member
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No. This costume has no shirt, and the kunai sticking out of the bottom make it look similar to the pants of his SPirit of the Fighter outfit.

Huh, what are you talking about? It's exactly the same costume.
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