DOA5U wanted Costumes


Active Member
why the fuck did you like my post i was talking about you ManekiNeko. Hoya is a pervert but until i see him ranting about women staying in the kitchen, not voting, or "learning their place" that's all he is.

I'm using the lingo of the moronic people that say that and have absolutely NO idea of the difference nor do they care, so they use terms like that guy saying "Someone's sexist" which started the whole debate in the first place. Our genius friend put the ball in place, I just ran with it.


Well-Known Member
If you're referring to my post on the other thread about disagreeing to your post about adding 15 more females altogether to the roster for DOA6 then I'm sorry but I just don't think it's ideal. 5U/5UA is the only fighting game that has not much of a gap difference between genders.

I'd prefer to keep it that way for the succeeding installments which why I said "Sometimes, less is more." Other fighting games may not have a large amount of females in their roster but has garnered recognition the same level as their male characters. DOA on the other hand has overly glorified their females and degraded the males next to nothing. Googling images of Dead or Alive on its own and seeing the results is like chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick DUDE chick chick chick chick chick DUDE chick chick chick chick chick chick chick is that even a dude? chick chick chick chick DUDE

So don't give that "if you want something less, go play Street Fighter" BS.
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Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
lol. I KNEW there'd be drama if I addressed that "sexist" post.

the issue is mostly the fact that just floss/bikinis/strings just for the sake of nudity is, well, extremely stupid. Just outright moronic. There's literally no reason for it, no excuse.
There is nothing stupid or moronic about wanting skimpy outfits. Its perfectly logical to want the outfits that look the most attractive. Im sure we have covered this ground before.

why the fuck did you like my post i was talking about you ManekiNeko. Hoya is a pervert but until i see him ranting about women staying in the kitchen, not voting, or "learning their place" that's all he is.
I dont consider myself a pervert for wanting sub-Playboy level nudity in a game like DoA . Often I feel more like the voice of a silent majority.


Active Member
lol. I KNEW there'd be drama if I addressed that "sexist" post.

There is nothing stupid or moronic about wanting skimpy outfits. Its perfectly logical to want the outfits that look the most attractive. Im sure we have covered this ground before.

I dont consider myself a pervert for wanting sub-Playboy level nudity in a game like DoA . Often I feel more like the voice of a silent majority.

THANK YOU! I'm sick and tired of hearing people b*tch and moan because of wanting more of what the game is known for. There are plenty of games for you that are less sexy than a trip to the bathroom after $.99 burrito night at Taco Bell. (like Street Fighter, for one).


Well-Known Member
Heather is that you? Come back to Silent Hill we miss you.
Lol! Don't we ever! I miss the music from Akira Yamaoka too. The series hasn't been quite the same since SH3 though imo, but i still adore each one on their own merits and will buy them if they continue to release them, even Book of Memories lol. Honestly, i could talk about this series all day but we're kinda off topic.

Anyway that idea of if DOA characters were fiends or monsters?

Christie as a Doll? Same kinda hairstyle lol



I don't know lol


Active Member
If you're referring to my post on the other thread about disagreeing to your post about adding 15 more females altogether to the roster for DOA6 then I'm sorry but I just don't think it's ideal. 5U/5UA is the only fighting game that has not much of a gap difference between genders.

Even consummate players are having a difficult time differentiating between most of the male characters, with the possible exception of Zack who quite frankly, in 5U is a joke on '70s blaxploitation films. Let's put it this way. One of the regulars couldn't tell the difference between Hayate and Gen Fu. That's how little it means to most people. It would be better off with more of what the fans want.

I pointed this out on DOA World and I'll point it out here. Look at the number of costumes. The primary women have ~25 costumes, and people seem to want more DLC for them, whereas the men have ~12. The guest ones have even less (~12 for women and ~7 for men).

Point is: The game is KNOWN for having sexy women. Taking that away would subtract a lot from the game.

So don't give that "if you want something less, go play Street Fighter" BS.

How about Tekken then? All the guys look like roided up monsters that would fail drug tests and all the women look like Amazons, and they're way overdressed. (seriously, Lili's outfit looks like something out of the reconstruction era. I wouldn't even know that except TR is F2P.) I still think we should put Tengu in there. He could sub for Jinpachi since they're practically the same.

Yeah, Street Fighter is a boring game for boring people. I'll say it now. Sorry, but it's true.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Even consummate players are having a difficult time differentiating between most of the male characters.

I don't usually reply to trolls but me not remembering the other male character you mentioned doesn't mean I can't differentiate the male characters (it means I clearly didn't want to go back to check your response on DOAW). Your opinion on this topic may be popular on World, but here on FSD you're going to have a hard time finding many people who agree with your ridiculous logic.

Good luck with that.


Active Member
I don't usually reply to trolls but me not remembering the other male character you mentioned doesn't mean I can't differentiate the male characters (it means I clearly didn't want to go back to check your response on DOAW)

Don't come crying to me because you're wrong, now on two counts.

1) you failed to identify the character correctly. It's a sad and pathetic state of affairs that someone who is a "well-known member" and could play the game can't tell the difference between Gen Fu and Hayate. Now I'd understand Ein and Hayate since it later was given the Fight Club treatment.

2) lacking the wisdom of Solomon, I looked up the definition of trolling and got this response from urbandictionary:

The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame.

The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how outrageous, or b) give your victim malicious instructions, under the guise of help.

I haven't done any of those things. I do believe in more sex appeal of women (and I have since I was 14), so the first part is not true and I have not given any malicious instructions at all.

My opinion may not be "popular" but does that mean I shouldn't fight vehemently for it? Gay marriage was not "popular" 15 years ago. Does that mean people like George Takei and Rob Halford were wrong to support it at the time? (I would say yes, even now, but most people would say no)

Hell, if I wanted to be more popular, I'd just be a talking head supporting a game like Street Fighter. I hate to pick on the fat kid in the parking lot but I think we can state unequivocally that is the most popular fighting game of all time. Sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in, even if the opinion isn't popular.

So yeah, go back and try again.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
1) Again, re-read my post. I didn't want to go back to DOAW to read your statement. Not sure why you're focusing so much on this as it really isn't as big of a deal as you're making it. Had I cared enough I would have went back and read it. ;)

2) Trolling has many definitions and I find it humorous you quote urbandictionary of all sites as if this somehow is the scientific definition.

But anyway you're free to promote more women no one's stopping you. I would just avoid saying crazy things like removing the guys or only giving them specific outfits.


Well-Known Member
Even consummate players are having a difficult time differentiating between most of the male characters, with the possible exception of Zack who quite frankly, in 5U is a joke on '70s blaxploitation films. Let's put it this way. One of the regulars couldn't tell the difference between Hayate and Gen Fu. That's how little it means to most people. It would be better off with more of what the fans want.

okay, while I'm hesitant to label anyone a troll, as its usually just a word used by actual trolls to start trouble...

Seriously, "Can't differentiate between the male characters"?

I have a harder time trying to differentiate between the females lol. "female ninjas 1, 2, and 3", "those two asian girls", then Hitomi, Christie and Lisa. (even MORE SO since they all keep getting the same palette swapped stock "outfits").

The males on the other hand

Bayman, Zack, Leon, Hayate, Ryu, Gen Fu, Eliot, Brad Wong, Bass, Rig, Jan Lee.

Anyone i'm forgetting, I forgot because they are forgettable.
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Active Member
okay, while I'm hesitant to label anyone a troll, as its usually just a word used by actual trolls to start trouble...

Seriously, "Can't differentiate between the male characters"?

Let's put it this way. One guy on this board actually confused Gen Fu with Hayate. Seriously! He thought he was all that. (probably still does). That's the point. I never would have expected a screw up of that magnitude but yeah, that's how forgettable they were at least to this guy.

As for girls: Mila, Kasumi, Ayane, Lisa, Sarah, Pai, Leifang, Hitomi, Tina, Christie, Helena, Rachel, Momiji, Marie Rose, and Kokoro (at least on 5U), and if you want to count her, Alpha-152. I'm not counting the cloaked girl because we have yet to figure out who she is entirely.

I see he liked your post. Just fess up David. You made a big mistake.
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Well-Known Member
Let's put it this way. One guy on this board actually confused Gen Fu with Hayate. Seriously! He thought he was all that. (probably still does). That's the point. I never would have expected a screw up of that magnitude but yeah, that's how forgettable they were at least to this guy.

As for girls: Mila, Kasumi, Ayane, Lisa, Sarah, Pai, Leifang, Hitomi, Tina, Christie, Helena, Rachel, Momiji, Marie Rose, and Kokoro (at least on 5U), and if you want to count her, Alpha-152. I'm not counting the cloaked girl because we have yet to figure out who she is entirely.

holy crap I just realized I forgot my main. I actually feel bad. (Sorry, Mila!) Shot myself in the foot there. Still thinking in terms of pre5 DOA.

When I think DOA, even while i'm playing 5u, I don't even register that there's a 5. I just think up to 4, because as I've stated many times before, DOA5 doesn't feel like a DOA game, but that's a seperate discussion.

Anyways, on the point, I really doubt he mixed up the characters, not like they are identical like Kokoro and Leifang, I'm guessing he just mixed up names.

Which is totally understandable. In 3rd strike, I first thought Yun or yung, can't tell which, the one with the hat, was that fighting character named "Duck King" because his hat looked like a duck.

The asian guy using him took huge offense.
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Active Member
holy crap I just realized I forgot my main. I actually feel bad. (Sorry, Mila!) Shot myself in the foot there. Still thinking in terms of pre5 DOA.

When I think DOA, even while i'm playing 5u, I don't even register that there's a 5. I just think up to 4, because as I've stated many times before, DOA5 doesn't feel like a DOA game, but that's a seperate discussion.

Don't beat yourself up too much, man. I just started playing DoA 5 Ultimate two months ago and I'm still getting the hang of it. I don't even have a main yet. I'm still unlocking costumes and trying to figure the ins and outs of the game. The reason I remember all the girls is because that's what I enjoy playing as is the sexy women. I only play the guys when either 1) I need to to unlock the swimsuits or 2) I get them costumes to lower the odds of the shirtless guys appearing. Seriously... eww.


Well-Known Member
Don't beat yourself up too much, man. I just started playing DoA 5 Ultimate two months ago and I'm still getting the hang of it. I don't even have a main yet. I'm still unlocking costumes and trying to figure the ins and outs of the game. The reason I remember all the girls is because that's what I enjoy playing as is the sexy women. I only play the guys when either 1) I need to to unlock the swimsuits or 2) I get them costumes to lower the odds of the shirtless guys appearing. Seriously... eww.

Well in my case, before Mila, there were no "sexy" women" in doa to me. Most were "meh", and only Christie and Lisa had any appeal because I like girls with short hair.

Something on topic.

I have so many costumes I need to actually sit down and draw....

Mila - Finalized blue and white jacket outfit
- Fiend Form
- Legacy Leon cosplay
- Ame-Comi Green Lantern outfit

- Fiend outfit
- Feral Wolverine outfit

- Non Spartan, return to DOA look.
- Alt costume.

I actually know how I want to do it, I just have absolutely zero confidence in my art skills so i'm hesitating to actually draw them lol. Also I don't know how to draw a filipino face without coming across as racist.


Well-Known Member
Point is: The game is KNOWN for having sexy women. Taking that away would subtract a lot from the game.

Yes, the game is known by that particular trait but I neither think that removing all the guys nor decreasing them to only Busa and Fu would make this game anywhere better. Some of them takes part on the serious side of the story, some are joining the tournament and others are back by popular demand. People also plays as them. Taking them out from the roster is nonetheless a big lost to those who plays them.

Just because they are not the first thing to come to mind about this game DOES NOT mean they are forgettable.
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