The 360 Pad (Controller) Thread


hi guys. i was hoping one of you hardware-savvy types might direct me to a high quality 360 controller with an excellent d-pad. for reference, back in the original xbox days, i preferred the large controller that came with the console when it launched, aka "the duke."

Game Over

Well-Known Member
hi guys. i was hoping one of you hardware-savvy types might direct me to a high quality 360 controller with an excellent d-pad. for reference, back in the original xbox days, i preferred the large controller that came with the console when it launched, aka "the duke."


So what you are left with is either looking into modding the D-pad of a standard X360 controller (one such mod replaces the Dpad and rubber contact with that from an Xbox controller-S), trying your luck with a 3rd party controller from Hori or MadCatz, or learn to play fighters on stick.


actually doa is the only fighting game i play on pad - i tried relearning it on stick and it just didn't compute. as far as third party pads go, i bought some madcatz pads and they broke after one play session each. anyone have experience with the hori pad ex/ex2? they look good on paper, but if the d-pad doesn't work well then all the fancy accoutrements are for naught!


Well-Known Member
actually doa is the only fighting game i play on pad - i tried relearning it on stick and it just didn't compute. as far as third party pads go, i bought some madcatz pads and they broke after one play session each. anyone have experience with the hori pad ex/ex2? they look good on paper, but if the d-pad doesn't work well then all the fancy accoutrements are for naught!

Step 1: Buy a good Arcade stick
Step 2: Play Virtua Fighter 5 FS
Step 3: You'll already be prepared to play DOA5


Well-Known Member
Whatever you do, don't get one of these PS2-to-360 adapters:

I bought like a month ago or so, hoping it could solve my issues with the AWFUL d-pad the X360 pad has. However, this kind of adapter adds some slight but noticeable lag to your inputs. That combined to online lag, and you'll be like 2 seconds behind. Maybe later on I'll give it another shot, but it did disappoint me.

Sadly, I'm in the same boat as OP. Going for an arcade stick would be my last resort.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The buttons on the Hori EX are terrible and the d-pad, while accurate, felt "mushy." I'm not sure if they amended anything on the EX2.


The EX was crap, but you seemed to like it for some reason Smithy lol.

Just go with a silver twist pad and keep it in the "down" position so it doesn't snap off. Infinitely better than the stock 360 pad.


hey rikuto! yeah the ex looked cool, but i guess the d-pad is subpar. that's a shame. maybe someone here has used the ex2? and what is the silver twist pad?

Game Over

Well-Known Member
hey rikuto! yeah the ex looked cool, but i guess the d-pad is subpar. that's a shame. maybe someone here has used the ex2? and what is the silver twist pad?

It's just the newer model X360 controllers from Microsoft that feature a Dpad with adjustable positioning (height) ... and Rikuto is saying ALWAYS keep it in the lower position.


It's hard to explain, but I get far better inputs with the silver pad than I do with the stock controller, and I've found that with practice I actually handle it better than the dual shock 3.

The downside to the pad is, despite the fact its a "transforming" dpad, you want to leave it in the "standard" position all of the time instead of the "raised" position. Reason being that raising the dpad has been known to make it snap off with some rough play.... ie trying to stagger out of stun, or whatever. You have large thumbs, and I'm almost certain you'd snap the pad right off. Seen it happen before to multiple people, its not fun.

If you want to experiment with the raised position I imagine you could always go get a warranty for the controller at a bestbuy or whatever so you don't have to wait to ship it back if and when it breaks.

Otherwise, picture 1 is the way you want to use the pad.


my thumbs are large and manly, that's for certain. are the d-pad inputs better on the silver pad or the ex?

D Glock

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I pretty much found out the hard way that the D-pad should not be played in the raised position. Here is my unfortunate mishap that happened to one of my controllers that came with my Gears of War 3 console bundle:



my thumbs are large and manly, that's for certain. are the d-pad inputs better on the silver pad or the ex?

Silver pad would be my preference. Also, the buttons on the silver pad are good whereas the EX had.... issues.


Yup. Comes with a plug and play charge kit, of course. If you wanna make that thing permanently wired you'll have to get it modded.


Ah... heck, best buy, gamestop... they are pretty universally sold. just depends what you've got around you.