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The scales of justice don't stand a chance



Well-Known Member
Rachel reminds me of "justice".
Christie reminds me of "scales".

From this, it could fit both because both have the snake symbol. Except that "justice" doesn't fit Christie, lol.

The japanese quote is "遊んでやるよ" which means something like "let's play". Which is Christie's intro I think.

So yeah after all, Christie.
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Well-Known Member
Rachel reminds me of "justice".
Christie reminds me of "scales" and the snake theme.

From this, it could fit both. Except that "justice" doesn't fit Christie, lol.

The japanese quote is "遊んでやるよ" which means something like "let's play". Which is Christie's intro I think.

So yeah afte all, Christie.
Boobs aren't anywhere big enough to be Rachel lol


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Standard Donor
Nice to also see Team Ninja continue the trend of including males in DLC, along with the females. I know they've heard people bitch and moan about how the males never get DLC, despite males never having that many costumes in prior DOA games.


Premium Donor
I think the "M" on her necklace gives it away if the hair didn't first.
Oh, but don't forget that we have other girls who have "M" names too. Mila would be the only other logical choice if the hair was hidden, because we all know Marie Rose isn't that well endowed. :p


Well-Known Member
Yaknowhatno. Like with the ninja dlc, I'm just gonna be grateful Mila got the copy paste full costume, rather than the copy paste bikini.

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
Yaknowhatno. Like with the ninja dlc, I'm just gonna be grateful Mila got the copy paste full costume, rather than the copy paste bikini.

Im about to go on a rant xD. Like you whine and complain how Mila gets no pants or sleeves and all she gets is "bikinis and crop tops and booty shorts" but she Actually gets a costume that covers her up nicely and you don't like it but have to because "I have to be greatful" like it's not your character they can make her like Barbies and Taylor Swift and wear pink and striped shoes for the rest of her game life, and there's nothing you can do. So you better be damn well "grateful". I don't want to read this nonsense anymore it's really annoying.

It's like a spoiled kid "I have to because there's nothing else" ugh just grinds my gears. Like the boys in this game get nothing and when they do its not that good but you don't see the mains of those guys complain? No. they are happy thier character even got one in the first place. So be happy she's even getting attention.
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