Who will be cut in DOA6?


Well-Known Member
Without a proper story development, your Gen Fu wouldn't be the Gen Fu you know right nwo.

Without story development, there won't be any sequels to DOA. And you'd still be playing DOA1 with a mindless, lack of character development, fighting game design like Reality Fighter.

So they cut Gen Fu and keep MR and Honoka? That makes sense in a fighter.

Gen Fu is pretty much a bonus character in DOA5. Plus, he's the only old man. He'll be there for the sake of variety I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Without a proper story development, your Gen Fu wouldn't be the Gen Fu you know right nwo.

Without story development, there won't be any sequels to DOA. And you'd still be playing DOA1 with a mindless, lack of character development, fighting game design like Reality Fighter.

You mean TN releases new DOA titles for the story? Not for new hardware releases and to take your money? My take is they create the characters and then they make out a story for them. I say, don't bother with the last part. If I'm not mistaken VF5FS has no story mode, still a good fighter.

What do you mean by character development?


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So they cut Gen Fu and keep MR and Honoka? That makes sense in a fighter.
People are only saying Gen Fu is being cut because at the end of Eliot's DOA story, Gen Fu explicitly said that Eliot was ready to learn Xinyi Liuhe Quan. If Eliot is going to learn Gen Fu's style and truly be his successor, then Gen Fu doesn't need to be there. Eliot cannot be under mentorship forever and Gen Fu doesn't even enter tournaments anymore since his granddaughter was cured awhile ago.


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EIN isn't a clone lol Ein predates BOTH Hayate and Hitomi they're clones of Ein.

Also he has stuff neither Hayate/Hitomi have like 3P, WRK, 3KK the Hokage etc. And he's just more likable than Hayate brash and arrogant vs stoic and always loses...



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In the case of Ein, I don't know why they don't just let Ein be Hayate's undercover persona for the real world. Ayane and Kasumi have outfits that help them blend in with regular society (the school girl outfits being a primary example). Plus, Hayate's fighting style does incorporate some of Ein's karate, so it wouldn't be so farfetched.


Well-Known Member
You mean TN releases new DOA titles for the story? Not for new hardware releases and to take your money? My take is they create the characters and then they make out a story for them. I say, don't bother with the last part. If I'm not mistaken VF5FS has no story mode, still a good fighter.

What do you mean by character development?

The game isn't story driven. I'm saying There's story in the game which to create a purpose (or excuse) to expand and sell a sequel. And apparently adding background story also make the characters more interesting.

Again, why would developers spend a lot of money and time on writing script and make Story Mode if it was unimportant?


Well-Known Member
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You mean TN releases new DOA titles for the story? Not for new hardware releases and to take your money? My take is they create the characters and then they make out a story for them. I say, don't bother with the last part. If I'm not mistaken VF5FS has no story mode, still a good fighter.

What do you mean by character development?

It's also one of the least known fighters of the generation despite being one of the best. so copying them might not be the best idea.


Well-Known Member
Hayate is a lame character always has been, the only time he was even remotely cool was in DOA3.

EIN is a cool character with unique moves that I like, there's nothing to "lie" to myself about... So quit with the unfitting memes that don't make any sense to what I'm saying.

And I do wish people would do their homework before calling Ein a clone character too.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Hayate is a lame character always has been, the only time he was even remotely cool was in DOA3.

EIN is a cool character with unique moves that I like, there's nothing to "lie" to myself about... So quit with the unfitting memes that don't make any sense to what I'm saying.

And I do wish people would do their homework before calling Ein a clone character too.

You never get, when I'm making a little, lighthearted fun...but I'm German, our humor sucks, so... >__> I give up.
(I actually like Ein. I think, he's cool. I also like his trashy costumes and I'm working on a costume for him...)


Premium Donor
The VFs are the only ones I can't see returning....Raidou I'm not so sure about. As for Marie and Honoka, they're not going anywhere anytime soon I don't think. They have too many fans, or as most people would call us, "pedophilic players", who like them.


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You could completely describe every DOA (or any other fighter) character in one short sentence or even word. XD

no id say you need at least 2 sentences for most. Hayate at least has interesting character interactions what with his family problems and is the only one that can make the claim of being the best friend of the strongest ninja in the world, therefore being the only person to ever see Ryu joking around.

in comparison all Ein has is a one sided relationship with Hitomi which Hayate also has except it might actually be mutual now.

point being Ein is boring as shit even when compared to rest of DOA incredibly "incredibly well written" cast.
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Active Member
In the case of Ein, I don't know why they don't just let Ein be Hayate's undercover persona for the real world. Ayane and Kasumi have outfits that help them blend in with regular society (the school girl outfits being a primary example). Plus, Hayate's fighting style does incorporate some of Ein's karate, so it wouldn't be so farfetched.

I kinda thought this was the case the whole time for "Ein" now. iirc in one of the scenes in DOAD, Hayate was wearing his Ein outfit when him and Ayane were out in the city to blend in while they were looking for Kasumi I think. So, I'd say based on that Hayate does still wear the clothes.

But on the topic of Ein returning or not, if anything I think Ein will return just because of that. If not in the initial release of DOA6, probably as DLC or in a later expansion. It's not like Hayate doesn't remember that he used karate before.


Well-Known Member
no id say you need at least 2 sentences for most. Hayate at least has interesting character interactions what with his family problems and is the only one that can make the claim of being the best friend of the strongest ninja in the world, therefore being the only person to ever see Ryu joking around.

in comparison all Ein has is a one sided relationship with Hitomi which Hayate also has except it might actually be mutual now.

point being Ein is boring as shit even when compared to rest of DOA incredibly "incredibly well written" cast.
At least Ein doesn't always lose or get captured all the damn time, has Hayate actually ever won a fight canonically? He lost to Kasumi, he lost to Hayabusa, he lost to Ayane, Hitomi, Bayman, Rig the list goes on.... not to mention he's been captured twice.

Hayates whole persona is a generic stoic ninja leader and its boring as all hell, EIN is brash, arrogant and is exhilarated when he fights and feels a genuine joy when he wins plus he's smug as fuck.

Hayate and Ein are pretty much polar opposites, Hayate was almost cool though n DOA3 but again he fails pretty much everything how he's the 18th clan leader I have no idea.

Anyway, BOT:
I'm still all for a clone replacing Ein, Epsilon ir something, the Ein/Hayate gameplay mix of DOA3 Hayate was actually cool and I'd live to play a character like that again.

What's everyone's take on Lisa? I mean, she kinda had rubble fall on her...


Well-Known Member
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At least Ein doesn't always lose or get captured all the damn time, has Hayate actually ever won a fight canonically? He lost to Kasumi, he lost to Hayabusa, he lost to Ayane, Hitomi, Bayman, Rig the list goes on.... not to mention he's been captured twice.

Hayates whole persona is a generic stoic ninja leader and its boring as all hell, EIN is brash, arrogant and is exhilarated when he fights and feels a genuine joy when he wins plus he's smug as fuck.

Hayate and Ein are pretty much polar opposites, Hayate was almost cool though n DOA3 but again he fails pretty much everything how he's the 18th clan leader I have no idea.

he was never defeated by Hitomi or Bayman im not sure where you got that and he got jobbed like hell vs Rig. also hes one of the most arrogant fucks in the game, stoic my ass.