Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
Apparently a guy who works for the company I'm guessing is still attempting to get those last three dlc characters localized
Just for some reference, Takaki is the series' producer over at Marvelous Japan, and the guy who came up with it in the first place. People can say what they like about the games he makes, but if nothing else, he's certainly dedicated to making sure they cross international borders as intact as possible.


Well-Known Member
Just for some reference, Takaki is the series' producer over at Marvelous Japan, and the guy who came up with it in the first place. People can say what they like about the games he makes, but if nothing else, he's certainly dedicated to making sure they cross international borders as intact as possible.
You know business is weird when copyright holders have more say about what happens with part of a game than the creator.


Well-Known Member
Well, the issue is that the last 3 dlc characters are from Ikkitousen, a series of somewhat scrambled licensing status outside of Japan. All of the characters who are original to the SK series (Ayame, Naraku, Kagura) have had no problems coming over, and the rights to DoA belong to the respective branches of Koei Tecmo per country, so I'd imagine it was much easier to negotiate Ayane's appearance.


Premium Donor
Ok, I've been playing SK non stop since last Thursday and here's what I have to say about the characters I use:

☆Ryona: My main girl and favorite SK girl. Has good damage and is quite annoying when she builds momentum, but lacks invincibility and priority. Overall better suited at defensive play, crowd control, and aerial combos. Not very effective, even though I maxed out her three mastery. :-/ Does very well in survival and point matches.

☆Miyabi: My 3rd favorite, she's very fast, has good priority and high damage output and some VERY tough ninpo. My main go to in death matches, and very effective at sneaking up on opponents who are fighting and interrupting them. Very effective flash and yang mastery, frantic is good but very risky.

☆Yomi- My second favorite girl...although I didn't initially like her at first because I thought she was basic. XD Is slow, but not too slow and actually does good damage when you build up moment, and she has an invincibility type dash for approaching and a projectile type attack. When she actually gets the opponent in the air that's when she picks up speed. Does pretty well using any of the masteries, but Frantic and Flash are my favorites in general. Tedious to win with, but very rewarding.

These are so far the only girls I have at level 50, but I may try out Kagura and Ayame when I purchase them, I'm NOT getting Ayane, and I'll only get Naraku for the Bob cut she has, I'm not a fan of her design or style in general.


Well-Known Member
but I may try out Kagura and Ayame when I purchase them
I'm just gonna tell you now, Kagura is incredibly badass. In a way, she's kind of like an OC in a bad fanfic, but she somehow makes it work, and it makes her very awesome. From her transformation sequence (the only one in the game that differs significantly from the other characters') to her theme to her powers that allow her to literally tear the fabric of reality with her bare hands and summon swords of darkness, she's just ridiculously awesome. Easily one of my favorite characters in the series.

Gameplay-wise, though, she kinda sucks, unfortunately.


Premium Donor
I'm just gonna tell you now, Kagura is incredibly badass. In a way, she's kind of like an OC in a bad fanfic, but she somehow makes it work, and it makes her very awesome. From her transformation sequence (the only one in the game that differs significantly from the other characters') to her theme to her powers that allow her to literally tear the fabric of reality with her bare hands and summon swords of darkness, she's just ridiculously awesome. Easily one of my favorite characters in the series.

Gameplay-wise, though, she kinda sucks, unfortunately.
What??? I thought she was one of the best characters.


Well-Known Member
(Note: This is just from looking at the game) I feel like I would like Rin, gameplay-wise. She's like my #8.


Well-Known Member
(Note: This is just from looking at the game) I feel like I would like Rin, gameplay-wise. She's like my #8.
Canonically, she's the most powerful character introduced in the series thus far, and she made for a pain in the ass boss fight in her debut. As a playable character in EV, she has exactly one worthwhile move, and her only ninpo that's worth using for anything other than cool points is her ultimate (which, her ultimate is really good, admittedly). Her lv1 and 2 are easily escaped, and after transforming it's very hard to get into an aerial rave without spamming her triangle.


Premium Donor
Hajin says she's not that good, she is fast and tough, but it only really works out in 4 player deathmatchs.


Premium Donor
Oh... Um, how does Daidouji fare?
Excuse my language but she's a dirty rotten c@#¥ to deal with, she's not even that slow, one good combo is all she needs to destroy a healthbar, and I hate her as a person, she's just....hideous. I wish Ryona could have been fast and weak instead of slow and tough, she's legit garbage, and it's sad that the game forces me to use other girls just so I can have a chance, but I don't want to...I wanna use Ryona. :-(

EDIT: ...I don't really hate her, she just makes me VERY irritated.
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Well-Known Member
I don't play this game online at all, so Kagura is pretty damn good in SP imo, she's almost as broken as Daidoji is lol

Naruku is fun as well(is it just me, or did they chnage her hair colour in the western release? I could of sworn Naruku had green hair in the japanese footage I've seen), I'll need to invest in Ayame eventually.


Well-Known Member
Excuse my language but she's a dirty rotten c@#¥ to deal with, she's not even that slow, one good combo is all she needs to destroy a healthbar, and I hate her as a person, she's just....hideous. I wish Ryona could have been fast and weak instead of slow and tough, she's legit garbage, and it's sad that the game forces me to use other girls just so I can have a chance, but I don't want to...I wanna use Ryona. :-(
Everyone leave the building, a fire has started!!


Premium Donor
Ayame is awesome, she's like a faster Katsuragi on OP crack, definitely will need to get her. I found a gimmick for ryona that works online and in SP, just press triangle and then circle and triangle again and she'll continuously do her bullet spins, I was able to do that and do some damage without taking a hit, it seems she has a brief HA during it. I abuse the heck out of it in her shinobi transformation mode though XD.


Premium Donor
So Miyabi, Katsuragi, Renka? I already know my waifu Haruka sucks... )':
Her guard breaks are not very good and her robot attacks are pretty telegraphed, I did not enjoy using her at all, she's too extra with barely any reward for it, all that's good about her imo is her poison, and even that doesn't do much. At least she isn't Hanabi, she's considered the worst. And what? Miyabi is actually good, Katsuragi is meh and renka is mostly good, not great but good.