Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
Honestly speaking of clothing I've said it before but I'll say it again ad nauseam cause I want it to happen, In SK7 we need a colour wheel instead of 5 colours and we also need top and bottom slots instead of an outfit slot. Not to mention just lots more clothing options in general. I want more gothic clothing.

Also @KasumiLover69 I'm actually a little surprised you don't like Sonico.


Premium Donor
Honestly speaking of clothing I've said it before but I'll say it again ad nauseam cause I want it to happen, In SK7 we need a colour wheel instead of 5 colours and we also need top and bottom slots instead of an outfit slot. Not to mention just lots more clothing options in general. I want more gothic clothing.

Also @KasumiLover69 I'm actually a little surprised you don't like Sonico.
Why is that? Pink hair ditzy girls aren't really my taste, plus sonico kinda is meh imo no offense. I prefer more mature but still cute pink hair girls like Rui from Dream C Club

She's a teacher for an all boy school, a well versed karaoke singer even when drunk, is 24, and is more intelligent than one would think. SK should collab with the game, I would love to see haruka, mian, Rui, and Nao in


Well-Known Member
Why is that? Pink hair ditzy girls aren't really my taste, plus sonico kinda is meh imo no offense. I prefer more mature but still cute pink hair girls like Rui from Dream C Club
View attachment 23106
She's a teacher for an all boy school, a well versed karaoke singer even when drunk, is 24, and is more intelligent than one would think. SK should collab with the game, I would love to see haruka, mian, Rui, and Nao in

Not sure lol just thought maybe she was the type of character you'd like. And I mean she must only be ditzy to a certain level If she's doing a Marine Biology course at college. And lol no offence taken you can not like her if you want. ( She isn't Jade or Lisa ) I just personally have started to like her since I'm watching her anime and she seems like a cool character.


Well-Known Member
Cool I just saw that SK PBS got new dlc including Sonico! She has what looks like a modified bikini version of her main outfit and her hair with her headphones is available. ( Also since it was getting discussed there I think her headphones are an iconic part of her character so I can understand why they'd keep them on her. )


Well-Known Member
Cool I just saw that SK PBS got new dlc including Sonico! She has what looks like a modified bikini version of her main outfit and her hair with her headphones is available. ( Also since it was getting discussed there I think her headphones are an iconic part of her character so I can understand why they'd keep them on her. )

Thanks for the heads up

Yep here she is



Premium Donor
I love how they kept Sonico curvy :cool:
Me too!~
...I have gone on at least a couple times about how Honoka is essentially a discount Sonico, yes.
Tbh, she's not really a discount imo, more like the whole cow, I mean have you seen that bitch's body???(I mean this in a good way



Hot damn Honoka....but back on topic I think Sonico is just more normally proportioned while remaining curvy while Honoka is just shorter. Sonico better tho
Love how they kept her curvy :cool:

I love her outfit and she looks so cool! Her voice tho... the new swimsuits are hot, o want Yagyu's, Thomas, Ryobis, and Yumis!!


Well-Known Member
Yagyu looks super good in a sports bra and spats....

Oh god I just noticed your avatar is that meme that I've been seeing, What is it about?

Btw at 1:52 they used Fuga's guitar as a sniper




More pics






She looks awesome! I definitely "wanna go" get her now, Her outfits really nice as well. that was a lot of other dlc that came out with her. Not sure If I'll be getting that but Sonico is definitely on "my radar". Now that Sonico and the "3" doa girls have been released I'm pretty sure that's all the dlc characters in the game until they reveal more.


Premium Donor
Her lack of emotions made it so much cuter~

This i saw on Twitter a while ago, she covered her areas but I censored it a bit more just in case
