DOA5 Fighter Chronicles - The Stages


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There's never too much chocolate in a fighter.
As long as they fix her ugly face .. lol :p

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
That's not quite true because from what I saw, some of the stage don't even have 2 tier. All the stage that have ring got no tier and I'm counting 3(?) already.
He was just giving an example. Theres actually 17 or 19 stages i believe, and many have tiers.


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I hate you EC lol
You certainly have high standards. It seems everyone in the DOA fanbase is spoiled. She's not ugly.

Hey man you know I love Vanessa's style in VF .. Thats why I enjoy playing you.
But, come on...even you admit.... SHE UGLY !! LOL
If TN give her a makeover than yeah absolutely ..

I mean look at Sarah.. she evolved from being disgusting white trash in need of a nose job to being ... a WOMAN!
If Vanessa gets the same love then shes more than welcome :p

Forlorn Penguin

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You guys are disappointed that one video in a series of behind-the-scenes videos doesn't show any significant Easter eggs and instead only focuses on actual behind-the-scenes stuff?

Did it ever cross your minds that perhaps Mila will get a proper reveal that has nothing at all to do with the Fighter Chronicles series. A character reveal is a character reveal, this is a behind-the-scenes mini-documentary.

Not to mention you've all already seen Mila thanks to the recent Korean leak, and you've known she was in the game since the original Alpha build leak.

There's no pleasing some of you people...

I'm not disappointed that we didn't see any announcements. I wasn't even expecting any, honestly. I just didn't find this episode very interesting is all.

Team Ninja made a Facebook status last week saying "What's on your mind...Mila?"

"For the most part", any characters new to a fighting game Franchise is revealed before the retail release.

So after reading that last week's status from TN, one can only assume we'll get a reveal trailer either this week or next...regardless of the matter...time will tell...

I'm still going with my original theory that Mila will be revealed in early to mid September and will be the final character reveal. So far I'm not wrong, as it's only September 5.

It seems everyone in the DOA fanbase is spoiled. She's not ugly.

I don't have a problem with Vanessa's looks.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Hey man you know I love Vanessa's style in VF .. Thats why I enjoy playing you.
But, come on...even you admit.... SHE UGLY !! LOL
If TN give her a makeover than yeah absolutely ..

I mean look at Sarah.. she evolved from being disgusting white trash in need of a nose job to being ... a WOMAN!
If Vanessa gets the same love then shes more than welcome :p
At least Sarah has her redeemable features, but poor Vanessa. She has lots of work to do.


Well-Known Member
Hey man you know I love Vanessa's style in VF .. Thats why I enjoy playing you.
But, come on...even you admit.... SHE UGLY !! LOL
If TN give her a makeover than yeah absolutely ..

I mean look at Sarah.. she evolved from being disgusting white trash in need of a nose job to being ... a WOMAN!
If Vanessa gets the same love then shes more than welcome :p

Dear GOD! lol
I'd hate to hear how you judge peoples' appearance in RL. o_O Let alone your own EC lol


Well-Known Member
You guys are disappointed that one video in a series of behind-the-scenes videos doesn't show any significant Easter eggs and instead only focuses on actual behind-the-scenes stuff?

Did it ever cross your minds that perhaps Mila will get a proper reveal that has nothing at all to do with the Fighter Chronicles series. A character reveal is a character reveal, this is a behind-the-scenes mini-documentary.

Not to mention you've all already seen Mila thanks to the recent Korean leak, and you've known she was in the game since the original Alpha build leak.

There's no pleasing some of you people...
to be honest with you, I rather not see anymore surprises untill I pick up the game. I hate seeing surprises without experiecing them.


Well-Known Member
I'd agree Aoi can look nice in VF5FS. Her features are a lot softer than characters like Sarah. Pai just Vanessa doesn't look toooo bad, just a bit butch. Her facial features are far improved over her VF4 origin. The game is running on some seriously old tech though so I like to blame the "ugly" factor on that.
C'mon guys, if TN were going to put characters in by how sexy they were, Taka-Arashi would already be in.

I'd like to see more of the wackier styles if any other VF characters got in though. Taka, Eileen, or even Goh.