Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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Well-Known Member
Its seriously just so great to finally have it revealed now, its no longer this question of "Will it get announced this year? Next year? When will it be released? Are they working on it?" It's now been revealed , We know now yes they are working on it and it comes out next year! :D so it's awesome as well just to know now. I

I wonder how character reveals will go? Will it be like how SC6 is doing them like a new reveal every month ( or is it two weeks? )


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Matt Ponton

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Hayate is a cool guy and all but he was severely exposed when Raidou dropped in one night and beat his butt with one hand. That scene alone is why I can't really take Hayate seriously as a leader of Mugen Tenshin

Well not only that, but Hayate was never even able to TOUCH Raidou. Raidou evaded all of his attacks. Maybe that's why he's called the God of the Wind...

Contrast that to Ayane who Raidou at least legit guarded her attacks and... yeah.

Plus Hayate doing the ONE thing he knew Raidou came for was like throwing in the towel :-/


Well-Known Member
We know Hayate is a meme as of now, but I kinda hope DOA6 redeems him and makes him more than "that fuccboi who occasionally dresses sluttily".


Well-Known Member
i am not in love with the fact that it looks like DoA Last Round 2.0 but i can see the graphical upgrade difference.
also the whole "we're not going to sexualize" was that they said in the beginning of DoA5 with that whole "Im a fighter" slogan and we see how that turned out.

i can't wait for the other character reveals. if that really is P4 tho, ima be slightly disappointed because i was hoping she'd become her own character with her own identity yaknow?

anyways, can't wait to buy all 7 versions of this game within the next 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Okay, after watching the trailer a several times, I'm catching that "new and dark" feeling.

Okay, come on. I am triggered for the "6" now. :genra:

they had that same new and dark for doa5, didn't like it there at all.. at least the revealed stage looks colorful and not "gray" like the whole ambience of doa5 was imo.

Also 8+8 characters, watface? O_O


Active Member
I know it's a joke, but if it was really 8 characters and one of them was Helena? FIRST DAY PURCHASE! I will buy into any shitty marketing tactic as long as Helena is involved. *looks at copy of DOAX3*


Standard Donor
Well not only that, but Hayate was never even able to TOUCH Raidou. Raidou evaded all of his attacks. Maybe that's why he's called the God of the Wind...

Contrast that to Ayane who Raidou at least legit guarded her attacks and... yeah.

Plus Hayate doing the ONE thing he knew Raidou came for was like throwing in the towel :-/

And he didn't even redeem himself, Kasumi had to go out there and do it herself. Hayabusa even called him out on it in a few cutscenes. and this was right before he got captured AGAIN in DOA5's lab, and had to get Lisa to free him.
Hayate's weakness is a direct result of Kasumi leaving the clan, and now she's being hunted for the rest of her life.

Zack was pretty much the comic relief in DOA5 but to me, it was Hayate as well. He went around story mode with his arms crossed, acting all edgy and moody like he was too good to enter Helena's tournament, and I'm all dude you haven't done anything yet to warrant trying to be cool.

Kasumi still adores him though but that's because she's supposed to be "angelic'y", and I won't even get started on Ayane. But I guess Ayane is more of a contractual Hajinmon Tenshin support sort of relationship, even if he is her half-brother.
Hitomi on the otherhand is a legit love interest, but I love how he just boderlines abandons her when he gets his memories back.

I hope DOA6 redeems him, and don't get me wrong -- he looks great; moveset, costume, everything.

oh wait, I guess Hayate lended Hayabusa his sword in Ninja Gaiden 3 though. So there's that.
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Premium Donor
And he didn't even redeem himself, Kasumi had to go out there and do it herself. Hayabusa even called him out on it in a few cutscenes. Hayate's weakness is a direct result of Kasumi leaving the clan, and now she's being hunted for the rest of her life.
and this was right before he got captured AGAIN in DOA5's lab, and had to get Lisa to free him.

Zack was pretty much the comic relief in DOA5 but to me, it was Hayate as well. He went around story mode with his arms crossed, acting all edgy and moody like he was too good to enter Helena's tournament, and I'm all dude you haven't done anything yet to warrant trying to be cool.

Kasumi still adores him though, and I won't even get started on Ayane. But I guess Ayane is more of a contractual Hajinmon Tenshin support sort of relationship, even if he is her half-brother.
Hitomi on the otherhand is a legit love interest, but I love how he just boderlines abandons her when he gets his memories back.

I hope DOA6 redeems him, and don't get me wrong -- he looks great; moveset, costume, everything.

oh wait, I guess Hayate lended Hayabusa his sword in Ninja Gaiden 3 though. So there's that.
He wasn't acting too good to enter, none of the ninjas from Vanilla DOA5 story took part in the tournament xD
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