Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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Well-Known Member
Ah right, well that's good I guess, hope Ninja Gaiden characters at least make a return though :|
Yea Ryu is already in though.
I wouldn't mind Rachel and Momiji.
I have a feeling we'll get at least 1 guest character.

Also a F2P option would be likely down the stretch after they sell some copies to attract new players.


Standard Donor
It's Kasumi. She's like 99% of the chances of appearing on screen on first reveals.

If anything, I'm surprised Marie Rose or Honoka didn't pop up along on the very first reveal. Course, we already know those two will be in the game but was surprised is all.

Those two are both among the most popular characters nowadays, so it's no surprised they're saving them for another reveal. Kasumi is the poster girl of the series but unfortunately not as popular as them. I always thought that was crazy. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


Well-Known Member
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Ah right, well that's good I guess, hope Ninja Gaiden characters at least make a return though :|

Probably. All up to Shimbori and his team. It's the default launch roster though so it's a DOA cast (basically vanilla), DLC will be new characters and guests.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

I see what you did there kek


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Wasn't expecting this. Accidentally saw the trailer on YouTube, and immediately came here. A few notes;

  • Character face models are exactly the same. The only things that changed is the effects on them. So... Either more polygons (or simply higher resolution) or tessellation is being used. Textures seem the same, but they might have added some bump mapping, or alpha mapping. Don't think I'm seeing any sub-surface scattering. Expected a bit more here, but, the faces are not the most important part of the game anyway.
  • One thing that definitely is present is self-shadowing, which is good to see.
  • The screen gets muddy/bloody when hit.
  • Sidestepping is back, obviously.
  • Juggle mechanics seems different, but we'll have to wait and see.
  • On one of the maps, there are NPCs against the wall that push you back into the fight. That was quite interesting.
  • Bruises, although being a graphical addition, doesn't really add much.
  • The whole Fatal Rush and Break Gauge... Not sure if I'll like it. Power blows worked well though, so, I'll reserve judgment.
  • The Hayate seen in the trailer is likely the Hayate version of Kasumi Alpha, so... Hayate Alpha.
  • Not liking the Hayabusa fire & lightning effects. But again, I'm reserving judgment until we know more.
  • I hope they don't botch the PC port this time, because that's where I'm getting it.

I love lore talk, so why do you think it's Hayate (or Hayate Alpha)? He's wearing the royal blue of the Mugen Tenshin clan so I personally think it's the real Hayate. Him and Hayabusa always had this sort of extreme rivalry so I think they're just sparring.


Premium Donor
I don't know man, Kasumi is cool with Ayane now but she's still being hunted by the Mugen Tenshin clan. I gather that's why she was hiding out in Hayabusa's village (?) or Muramasa's place in DOA5.

Her ending in DOAX3, she tells the owner she was happy to visit the island because it reminded her of a time when she was happy before she left the clan pre-DOA1. A lot of people label her as a "tragic heroine". According to her DOA2 ending, she wants to go home, in a sad voice. But she can't, not ever. Quoting Hayabusa from DOA2: "The life of a Shinobi is a harsh one"
cutscene at 1:28
ending at 6:46
Yeah but Kasumi is more mature in DOA5, in DOA1 through 4 she was originally sad and arguably depressed at her situation but in DOA5 she's not sad anymore and appears more composed. Plus if she's hiding at the Hayabusa Village at the discretion of Hayate and Ryu, she has no worry of being hunted anymore since Hayate and Ayane don't seem to pursue her anymore or turn a blind eye.

And does Kasumi have a DOA2 ending? I don't recall one besides the credits with that flash dance type music, and Ryu only said that in her cutscene when he ambushed her on the White Water Valley Bridge/ that one night stage in DOA2 and she was like I don't wanna fight. And I don't think she's tragic anymore, that title has been given to Phase 4 who's now known as the "Tragic Weapon" and basically is a walking DOA2 version of Kasumi with a lower pitched voice and longer eyelashes


Active Member
I love lore talk, so why do you think it's Hayate (or Hayate Alpha)? He's wearing the royal blue of the Mugen Tenshin clan so I personally think it's the real Hayate. Him and Hayabusa always had this sort of extreme rivalry so I think they're just sparring.
I like the Hayate Alpha idea but I think it's the original, I don't think it's sparring simply because of how aggressive they were whilst fighting, seemed like genuine animosity between them.


Well-Known Member
I like Hayabusa's new victory pose.

Not liking how that new attack string (the one that seems to lead into 4P+K) makes his hands glow. In general it looks like they're visually taking some cues from Tekken, which I hope is not the case and simply this one trailer giving me a false impression.

I'm guessing that might be part of the new fatal rush mechanic? Who knows at this point.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you would have since they specifically said the team was actively working.

Well the "reveal" at the time was pretty oddly presented tbh, It was obvious that they wouldn't ditch the series though :p

I wasn't expecting a 2019 release(a happy surprise ^^)


Well-Known Member
I love lore talk, so why do you think it's Hayate (or Hayate Alpha)? He's wearing the royal blue of the Mugen Tenshin clan so I personally think it's the real Hayate. Him and Hayabusa always had this sort of extreme rivalry so I think they're just sparring.
Could be. Obviously I'm not sure. But, his energy colors when attacking Hayabusa in-game seemed to be similar to the default Alpha-152 color, so teal/cyan-ish. And his face looks evil for some reason lol xD And the cape reminded me of Phase-4. And I don't think he was actually wearing any blue, but it was a reflection of some energy or power attack.


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Standard Donor
Shit that I saw in the trailer (gameplay wise) which is worth noting:
  • Jann Lee has gotten a new PP string which goes straight into Dragon Stance. The last P looks like it will stun on hit. Notation may be PP4P.
  • Moves that initially stun put blood particles on the screen. I do hope that's an option to remove bc that shit looks annoying as fuccccc.
  • Hayabusa has strings based on ninpo elements. It looks like he has some moves from NG3:RE falcon talons. It also looks like some of the moves come from Ongyoin.
  • Helena's break blow is revealed to be a move that sidesteps and counters attacks. It also looks like BBs are can be done at any point if available (Must take meter) and are dumb unsafe. In the trailer that move took like 15 frames to recover.
  • Kasumi got some Phase 4-esque teleport stuff. I lowkey hope those two characters get blended into one.
  • Zack got a move from Raidou but I forgot the notation. EDIT: It's a slower and stronger version of Raidou's 4P
  • Zack also got a new kick that looks skankkk.
  • Jann Lee's new throw also looks skankkk.
  • They cloned Hayate?? He's got Phase 4 aura in some frames.


Well-Known Member
I would actually be happy if they incorporated more of Ryu's Ninpo into his moveset. Would love to see him tossing around fire and lightning, maybe some new sword attacks.


Standard Donor
I'm guessing that might be part of the new fatal rush mechanic? Who knows at this point.

Almost positive that's just his victory pose. Hayabusa doesn't take use the sacred Dragon Sword against something unless he's up against some really eff'd up shit, so only Ninja Gaiden stuff. The most that he's done is use ninpo, same as Kasumi actually.

It's probably the same reason why Hayabusa, Kasumi, Ayane, Momiji, Rachel don't have a bareknuckle stances in Ninja Gaiden.
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