How would this sound??

Right yeah how would a Mario Party-esque DOA game sound

  • Sounds good but it wouldn't be a game I'd buy. Probably watch a few vids on YT idk

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Well-Known Member
A mario-party-esque game with the entire DOA6 cast. who would play it? You've got like volleyball minigames and tug of war n that but of course new stuff as well! What kind of minigames would make it cool, and ideas that make it more of a unique game?


Premium Donor
I would like it to have all the minigames that are in Xtreme games and as long as they have extra costumes and the accessories and glasses from that as well I would play it! Maybe something like a beach type game where everyone could appear


Well-Known Member
Sounds like doax but with everyone, not just select girls. Probably has more mass market appeal but i2think such a collection would work better as add ins to doa6


Well-Known Member
Yeah true, I was thinking of ways to make it less xtreme-ish

Its hard not to make it sound like DOAX when you mentioned volleyball and tug-o-war which are DOAX anyways. I like to think DOA6 would be better received for having more content if they somehow added in the DOAX minigames as side content (minus the actual vacation mode and dating sim elements so all the girls can be in).

I honestly don't see why they didn't just add in at least the volleyball and jet ski racing as basic side games as early as DOA5 ultimate since at the time they released that, TN had no real plans on continuing DOAX. Why waste reseources with a side game series that would just draw controversy when they could have just taken the existing minigames as extra content?

I would have paid for those minigames if they sold it as DLC for ultimate or last round. I wish they just did that for DOA6 instead of supporting DOAX3 and VV.


Well-Known Member
Its hard not to make it sound like DOAX when you mentioned volleyball and tug-o-war which are DOAX anyways. I like to think DOA6 would be better received for having more content if they somehow added in the DOAX minigames as side content (minus the actual vacation mode and dating sim elements so all the girls can be in).

I honestly don't see why they didn't just add in at least the volleyball and jet ski racing as basic side games as early as DOA5 ultimate since at the time they released that, TN had no real plans on continuing DOAX. Why waste reseources with a side game series that would just draw controversy when they could have just taken the existing minigames as extra content?

I would have paid for those minigames if they sold it as DLC for ultimate or last round. I wish they just did that for DOA6 instead of supporting DOAX3 and VV.
yeah that sounds better, there's a reason i failed business class haha