Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6

The 4th phase

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will just leave this here ^_^


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I know I rag on this game a lot now but this honestly barely looks like Tamaki it looks like one of those slightly off model Tamaki mods for an Illusion game. Ehh still not super impressed by character choice or the fact they'd rather stick in a VV girl over male characters but if she has a cool, unique move set she could be a good addition to the roster but likely she's just a cheap copycat character of a character who got cut like Nyo was.


Premium Donor
Tbh I feel like she'll be like Kula, alot of hype for her but after a month people will barely use her and then the complaints will begin seeping in again until they tease the next new character. She looks good but I think people want more than just characters at this point


Well-Known Member
That was the reveal? You know what... I’m over it lmao. This game doesn’t care and it’s smarter if I don’t either. Genuinely hope DOA gets sold off to new publishers/devs or whatever if a 7 does happen cause holy shit, it almost seems like a deliberate attempt to kill the game. Even if DOA6 improves over the years I’ll never forget the embarrassment that was the first year of this game, was unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed really.

Seriously someone should make a documentary on it.
Let's get Esteban from Hold Back to Block to do it. I would legit watch it lol


Well-Known Member
What’s funny is it’s such a simple feature, not a new stage pack or game mode, doesn’t even require new animation. They could’ve easily been like “in this update you can now select new hair colors!” but somehow they fucked that up.

Drawing conspiracy here but I’m actually considering the idea that they fully intended for this to get backlash for attention like how the EVO situation went down. Maybe they’re thinking if they could promote the worst PR imaginable it’ll grab headlines to remind people DOA6 exists. It’s just too absurd for me to comprehend otherwise lol


I've been lurking on the forums a bit to check on the state of DoA but have finally made an account just to react to the new DLC.

I can't express enough how hilarious this whole thing has become. DoA 5 was the game that introduced me to the series (actually the 4th one but I played 5 way more) and the only fighting game that I liked because of its unique smooth gameplay and superb animation that no other fighting game based on martial arts has. I was waiting to jump on Doa 6 like many until I saw the overall disappointment from the community, mostly due to the downgrade from DoA5U.
I've still decided to hold off buying the game until the devs stop taking the community for fools and actually put some effort into their game.

I've been tolerant and ignoring their overpriced wardrobe DLC like I did in 5 as well as the re selling of old characters.
So, after much hesitation and since they've progressively shown some effort with the recent updates and NEW (not rehashed) character,
I was actually looking to jump back to DoA soon and kick some ass with my Kokoro again.

But man, this hair color DLC, this abomination, is the final straw. I can't imagine how can anyone be ok with this. This is a new level of middle- finger-in-your-face by the devs. The scam level is over 9000, seriously. It's just pathetically sad how they try to exploit the fans' love for the game with absolutely unrelenting determination and so much boldness.

There's one member who said earlier that the forums have been way less active than in Do5's time, wanna know why? It's because the whole situation sucks. It's because no one care anymore about this joke of a franchise.
It's because some of you who've been buying costumes in droves (seriously the passes are the same price as full games, what the hell?) and intend to buy this hair color dlc crap actually contribute to this behaviour by the devs.
Every single time you buy into those scams you're just pushing the limit of what's acceptable in the whole video game industry so don't be surprised when they find new creative way to empty your wallets.

"But i want to support the devs and the franchise", says this huge DoA fan. I'm sorry but no you're not supporting the franchise at all, if anything you're supporting the destruction of it.
It's one thing to sell a hair pack (which should be free anyway) , but now they're asking us to pay to CHANGE hair color? What's next, paying for custom nails?
Comon, this clearly shows that the devs don't even respect you or what DoA is and has been.

EDIT: formatting.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Drawing conspiracy here but I’m actually considering the idea that they fully intended for this to get backlash for attention like how the EVO situation went down. Maybe they’re thinking if they could promote the worst PR imaginable it’ll grab headlines to remind people DOA6 exists. It’s just too absurd for me to comprehend otherwise lol

I think the reality is much simpler and unexciting. They are testing the waters with what they can get away with. They got away with so much in the past, people defended them all the time, just as recently as yesterday in this forum, so they think they can go a step farther each time. If enough people will actually be buying into this hair color scam, and on social media I saw already plenty proudly uploading pics of their fave character with their fave new hair color, they won't care about a little, shortlived outrage. Be afraid of what they cook up next time.

I've been lurking on the forums a bit to check on the state of DoA but have finally made an account just to react to the new DLC.

I can't express enough how hilarious this whole thing has become. DoA 5 was the game that introduced me to the series (actually the 4th one but I played 5 way more) and the only fighting game that I liked because of its unique smooth gameplay and superb animation that no other fighting game based on martial arts has. I was waiting to jump on Doa 6 like many until I saw the overall disappointment from the community, mostly due to the downgrade from DoA5U.
I've still decided to hold off buying the game until the devs stop taking the community for fools and actually put some effort into their game.

I've been tolerant and ignoring their overpriced wardrobe DLC like I did in 5 as well as the re selling of old characters.
So, after much hesitation and since they've progressively shown some effort with the recent updates and NEW (not rehashed) character,
I was actually looking to jump back to DoA soon and kick some ass with my Kokoro again.

But man, this hair color DLC, this abomination, is the final straw. I can't imagine how can anyone be ok with this. This is a new level of middle- finger-in-your-face by the devs. The scam level is over 9000, seriously. It's just pathetically sad how they try to exploit the fans' love for the game with absolutely unrelenting determination and so much boldness.

There's one member who said earlier that the forums have been way less active than in Do5's time, wanna know why? It's because the whole situation sucks. It's because no one care anymore about this joke of a franchise.
It's because some of you who've been buying costumes in droves (seriously the passes are the same price as full games, what the hell?) and intend to buy this hair color dlc crap actually contribute to this behaviour by the devs.
Every single time you buy into those scams you're just pushing the limit of what's acceptable in the whole video game industry so don't be surprised when they find new creative way to empty your wallets.

"But i want to support the devs and the franchise", says this huge DoA fan. I'm sorry but no you're not supporting the franchise at all, if anything you're supporting the destruction of it.
It's one thing to sell a hair pack (which should be free anyway) , but now they're asking us to pay to CHANGE hair color? What's next, paying for custom nails?
Comon, this clearly shows that the devs don't even respect you or what DoA is and has been.

EDIT: formatting.

Welcome to the forum. :) Unfortunately you are coming to such an unfortunate time. DOA and the overall mood in here wasn't always like this. Some years ago there was actually a lot of excitement and positivity, especially around the releases of DOA5U and DOA5LR.


One thing I want to say though. It's not the developer, Team Ninja, who is doing this to fans. It's the higher ups at Koei Tecmo. They come up with these schemes and they force the developer to implement them. I actually feel sory for Team Ninja employees. Especially the ones that have to deal with the justifiably angry fans afterwards.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
It's because some of you who've been buying costumes in droves (seriously the passes are the same price as full games, what the hell?) and intend to buy this hair color dlc crap actually contribute to this behaviour by the devs.
Every single time you buy into those scams you're just pushing the limit of what's acceptable in the whole video game industry so don't be surprised when they find new creative way to empty your wallets.

"But i want to support the devs and the franchise", says this huge DoA fan. I'm sorry but no you're not supporting the franchise at all, if anything you're supporting the destruction of it.
A thousand fucking thank you's, good sir!


Active Member
I think the reality is much simpler and unexciting. They are testing the waters with what they can get away with.

Yeah companies do this all the time. Blizzard putting a real money auction house in D3, CCP selling monocles for the price of a retail game in EVE Online, Capcom selling gems in SFxT....

The only thing that makes me raise an eyebrow at this, is the fact that they are willing to take the PR hit right now.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
^^^ lol, asking if they can pay for something that we've gotten free before. what the hell.

Tweet at them with gifs and images that show how we're feeling, maybe. Stuff like

Maybe they'll realize how bad it's looking for them when it's made visually obvious. Maybe start a hashtag like #savedoa6 ?