Final Fantasy Thread


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I like final fantasy 7, 8, and tactics. I quit at final fantasy 9 cuz the change of artstyle looked weird to me at the time.

Spirits within was a waste of my time and money. Advent children was eh....meh!
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Dreams is no joke @Tyaren

There's a lot of strong potential, I thought this was pretty well done imo.

This is pretty awesome! O: The stuff creative and talented people can do with Dreams is amazing. I was going to make a couple posts in the graphics and artstyle thread about some amazing creations. Did you already see the Townsville (Powerpuff Girls) showcase? It's like you are in the actual cartoon. It's so well made.

I assume the battle system shown here is close to or the same used in FFVII Remake? I never played FFVII and I wasn't really going to, but the footage of the remake did make me pretty excited for it. It is also the first big game of the year for me personally (I know others will have Animal Crossing and other games), so I basically have to buy this. I haven't played a great, new game in many months...


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It will be juicy if dreams can remake tactics. Every indie dev seems to out do what triple a devs can do nowadays. I think the year of the doormouse belongs to the indie devs.


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No surprise there. Especially the PS4 has now an install base of 110 million. To not release a new game for it and only for PS5 and Xbox Series X would be pretty stupid, lol.
Funny that Sony outright stated that they however will not produce any cross gen games after the PS5's release. They'll be making a clean cut and not support PS4 anymore. They of course want Horizon Zero Dawn 2, Spider-Man 2 and God of War 2 to sell PS5s.


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FFVII Remake demo is out. DEMO IS OUT!!!



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Sephiroth's edgy nose is cuter than cloud's look. can't wait to see his triangle nose in 4k.

yeah, she's the flashy stuff girl and one avalanche's members.

I loved her in the demo tbh, although idk if there's a girl ill like yet. I'm not really on the Tifa love train since she kinda seems meh and Aerith is cute but idk, something about her seems like her presence won't last. Jessie tho I love everything about her design wise


although idk if there's a girl ill like yet.
maybe you can get on woman train with scarlet. from what they showed trailers she's even more sadistic than original game.

I'm not really on the Tifa love train since she kinda seems meh
how can the girl who punch and kicks monsters be meh? (yeah I know her tits are big too.)

Aerith is cute but idk, something about her seems like her presence won't last.
Never played the original or were you avoiding spoiling game by writing like that?
aerith's good as always but only thing wrong with her in remake is that she now shots fireballs with her staff, I liked her close range moves better.


Premium Donor
maybe you can get on woman train with scarlet. from what they showed trailers she's even more sadistic than original game.

how can the girl who punch and kicks monsters be meh? (yeah I know her tits are big too.)

Never played the original or were you avoiding spoiling game by writing like that?
aerith's good as always but only thing wrong with her in remake is that she now shots fireballs with her staff, I liked her close range moves better.
Scarlet?? And oh no I've never played the original game xD idk tho, something about Aerith just doesn't feel promised, I got that vibe also from Claudia in Silent hill and from A2 in Nier Automata. And I mean her design is cool but something about Tifa just doesn't interest me much tbh


you can play the original to see who scarlet is or wait for remake (if part 1 is midgar, we will see her in part 1)

And oh no I've never played the original game xD
you should play it. it's one of the best games of all time.

idk tho, something about Aerith just doesn't feel promised, I got that vibe also from Claudia in Silent hill and from A2 in Nier Automata.
wow that's some IQ 300 thinking.

And I mean her design is cool but something about Tifa just doesn't interest me much tbh
FF VII's cast is incredible, I didn't liked some characters at first but after playing it, I saw that all of them are good in their own right (even someone annoying like heidegger) so you have play it yourself to see maybe your opinion changes. (she's not extremely popular for nothing)


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Yeah don't blame you. I think one of the reasons for not liking some of the characters in the past is probably because we couldn't exactly...well, picture them in the ideas Square had in mind.

Like for example Heidegger. I absolutely did not like him back in FFVII, but that's probably because I couldn't exactly figure out what type of character he was due to zero emotions in FFVII for the PS1 along with zero voicing. We had to use our own imagination on how we like to think some of these characters were. Like when Rufus told Heidegger to stop that horse laugh in the FFVII original, I immediately thought Heidegger was some gnome who probably talks like Aris. Some are more obvious than others of course, but characters like that were completely not in the idea I had before.

Some of it is also thanks to TeamFourStar to add their own twist and personality to it, especially Scarlet and i'm just like "Wow I.... never pictured Scarlet as this sort of woman who laughs in rich status, is that how she is really in the game? was I wrong about Scarlet this whole time? maybe in the FFVIIR?", despite that it fits extremely well. In FFVII I pictured her as a woman with a calm demeanor, but it was still somewhat hard to figure out because everything was written text.

If we had to get technical, we never really experienced FFVII before when it came to anything exactly emotional besides Aerith's death, we had to use our own imagination to create emotions. Not sure about anyone else, but i'm actually pretty hype for it's release. Can't wait. Previously I decided to wait and hoping there was a demo for it, but it sold me on getting the game. Pre-ordered.


Yeah don't blame you. I think one of the reasons for not liking some of the characters in the past is probably because we couldn't exactly...well, picture them in the ideas Square had in mind.
Agree with everything you said and I want add that shinra was FF VII'x secondary antagonist and FF VII is a protagonist center game like many games from that era. this is the second factor imo that contributes to those character not being explored enough in the original. (sephiroth that was the game's main antagonist wasn't that explored in game.)
the game was all about getting to know your party members and defeating sephiroth and it was impressive in it's time, now by getting remaked they can explore everything that original couldn't.
FF VIIR will indeed be the most impressive remake to date if it's done right.
yeah the last years of 8th gen are full of good remakes from RE 2 and Halo MCC to FF VIIR.