Team Ninja wants ideas for next patch!


Well-Known Member
Having a slow, high damage throw that can be beat by a punch or normal non-retarded throw really is a legitimate flaw.

Also stop pointing out that I don't play the game. A lot of people don't. Maybe not a lot of people on this forum, but overall - the game hasn't sold very well and has only been popular among neets with fetishes. As a fighting game, it's still buggy and silly.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, he's in essence telling you to shut the hell up. You haven't played the game, thus you literally have no idea what you are talking about. Of course you have no idea what you're talking about in DoA4 either so its a crap shoot for you either way. Basically, just shut up.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
You people seriously need to stop thowing out nerfs, and buffs. None of you know what you're talking about and will just result in the game being screwed up. Also don't request changes to the gameplay if it's based off online or if you HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME!

Really all I see that NEEDS to be patch are the net code and the glitches. I also think the replay/photo thing that needs to be patched for the better(being able to upload to youtube account, or to pc somehow). It would be a good way to promote the game with online and offline matches.

As for the netcode the online needs to be less laggy. Even if that means players being able see eachother connection/ping before having to play eachother. Also if your lagging(rather you're downloading, or your net is effed up) you shouldn't even be able to connect to rank matches. Also think you should be able to save matches in lobbies, too. Even if you spectating(one thing SF actually does best).

They need to fix match making in Rank also. It should not be taking people 5-10 minutes to get into a fight. That's insanity.

Most of all NEVER ask for NERF request. It's also too EARLY to request BUFFS for characters.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
@ Dave: Right Trigger for 360, R2 for PS3.

Tap once to change the size of the chat box, and a second to make it disappear.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
These are a summary of wishes for next patch posted in this thread plus (and emphasized) mine ones. I've breaked these in two groups and sorted from the most important (to me) to the less ones...

Update: I've tweeted this post back to TN (
Update 3: I've included new posted wishes of this thread up to post 138)

  1. improve/fix net code to minimize lag and make matchmaking faster for ranked/simple matches (matchmaking souldn't take more than 20 seconds, there are people who reporte 20 minutes of waiting time! maybe long waiting is due to non-catched erros in network connection...), also fix facebook intergration so (we can post our stats on Facebook)
  2. fix glitches (a long glitch report threat: some ones I know are:
    1. messed up replays
    2. fix tag mode really annoying infinite exploit (at opponent knockdown and spamming tag button, 8p+k,tag button, 8p+k, repeat infinitely... if done correctly the opponent cannot tech at all...! :S
    3. critical burst not happening in Brad's 4p+h kk p 66p (despite critical stun gets red...)
  3. please don't add ranked lobby (it would lead to dishonest/unfair ranks; people in lobby could agree to lose just to rise rank of someone)
  4. discard/disable rank matches (or discard it before begining) if net is slow (or ask confirmation to player)
  5. please don't nerf neither buff characters at least specific cases of brokeness asked by too much people and agreed by the most (I felt balance is very well like it is now and comunity needs more time to serious conclusions about balance), so:
    1. don't remove actual slow escapa ble property of unholdable stuns and keep actual lifebar length (I've read opposite in a post somewhere but I absolutely disagree, unholdble stuns just must guarantee only faster attacks, instead of any attack like somebody is asking...)
  6. nerf low holds a bit because there are low hold spammers which used it to *instantly* avoid high attacks while stunned, it could be done by increasing recovery time and/or keeping standing status at initial animation (idea is to prevent instant escape to high attacks, please don't remove crouching status at low hold recovery time because low throws would lost usability)
  7. make power blows moves break enemies's guard for every character, especially when power blows are inactive (in order to worth time spent in charging the attack...)
  8. improve inputing and buffering of 46 64 and other commands (for example is hard to perfom Brad's 46p and some 33 inputs performs 236 commands instead expected 33 ones...)
  9. please change Brad's hand stand comand from 66p+k to 7p+k, because it make virtually impossible to rush/dash 6p+k mix ups, which is a very important tool for Brad
  10. please move attack info box away from center, put it more close to low, right or left border(s) of screen (this box is very usefull but hinder visibility of animations! :S :S :S) and improve the font of numbers a bit (because I cant read some ones in my 22.5 inches widescreen ldc tv)
  11. please improve (readbility and mobility across/inside of) move list in other to save time when using it extensively, so:
    1. keep the list in last viewed move/position when returning to it and to allow to go to begining and end by triggers
    2. put some sign in command list in order to distinguish offesinve holds from throws
    3. separate unique strikes move list in two lists: the first one for moves started by p and p+k, and the second for moves started by k and k+h
    4. show hit level directly in the list as sequence for strings, like DoA4 did, rather than only showing properties for the last input.
  12. "Give some kind of visual indication on Story Mode's timeline to show which bonus missions have been completed"
  13. "Survival opponents use DLC costumes like other mode's AI does"
  14. "Free compatability pack that allows people to see DLC costumes used by other players without purchasing them"
  15. please set reset position to just the back button in training mode
New features:
  1. "Sidestep option that allows either input, not just one. We don't have to choose which blocking method before the match, why sidestep? Marvel 3 works well with 2 dash inputs at any time."
  2. allow to leave a match in character selection screen of ranked match and/or allow to ban/block specific players and/or allow to filter for Ranked/Simple searches by connectiono. Also show player names in Replay Mode menu and during replay footage.
  3. please don't add ball game mode like Tekken, please please please keep DOA different from Tekken, don't waste efforts in things like that...
  4. allow to save replay data in both ranked and lobby matches alike and also allow direct uploading/sharing of replays over the net!!! :D (better if upload to facebook/youtube!!! xD) ...Or well, at least allow uploading of photos... :/
  5. cooperative (4 players) online tag modes :)
  6. improve (or maybe save) survival mode, it is a nice and challenging mode to practice against all characters, and also is a way to enjoy the game while offline, so:
    1. get back items in survival like previous DOA games. Also life recovery should be based on items collected, it makes game really fun, path/route selected should set initial AI difficulty instead quantity of enemies... At least please get back items for life recovery (collectable items are also fun, but make less sense)
    2. allow stage selection in survival mode (playing same stage over and over gets really tedious; don´t keep erring like over-use of danger zone in past DOA games, please please plase...
    3. add new tag survival mode! :D it would be brand new for DOA series! :D also make cooperative! and why not...: make it cooperative online! LOL :D :D :D
  7. rewind command for replays and watch mode... and better if one single frame rewind/forward command is added! :D
  8. lisa and christie chapters for story mode
  9. please, please, please add attack info box while in command exercise... and let set dummy knocked down for ground testing (it should stand up a bit if forced tech roll happend and then got down again just like when is time for down attacks in command exercise)
  10. "return of slope throws"
The above summarizes (IMO) this entire thread until now. Naturally, I've mentioned wishes I strongly disagree of other people and I've not mentioned new features (like music nor old stages) that were posted by others which I don't care so much (and because list would make too long and here is happening some wish competition LOL...)


Active Member
I wonder what Team Ninja will give us after all these petitions...I hope they don't drop the ball because if they don't get it right this time a lot of people won't give them another chance. There's been 2 patches already. 3 strikes, out.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what Team Ninja will give us after all these petitions...I hope they don't drop the ball because if they don't get it right this time a lot of people won't give them another chance. There's been 2 patches already. 3 strikes, out.
Leon, Ein, and Tengu. i'm hoping for some of Zack's DOA 4 tools in DOA 5 myself.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I wonder what Team Ninja will give us after all these petitions...I hope they don't drop the ball because if they don't get it right this time a lot of people won't give them another chance. There's been 2 patches already. 3 strikes, out.

Actually one patch. I wouldn't count the other.


Active Member
- Fix the Facebook intergration so we can post our stats on Facebook
- View player names in Replay Mode menu and during replay footage
- Possibly make photos be uploadable onto user Facebook accounts


Active Member
Most of all NEVER ask for NERF request. It's also too EARLY to request BUFFS for characters.

Um, Helena? Helena Helena. Helena Helena Helena. Helena. Also Helena.

Seriously, Helena.

You wouldn't even have to play the game to know she's fucked; look at the goddamn frames. We knew she was screwed up before release. Requesting Helena buffs is not even in the remotest range of being too early. That's like saying it's too early to request a wheelchair for the guy with the two shattered femurs. Hey, let's see if those stitch up ok and he can hobble around, shall we?

Nerfs: well, that Jann Lee reset is clearly a glitch. If people were pissed about the Mila infinite they really ought to want to get that fixed too. And sometimes things need nerfs. It's rare, it's usually a glitch, and people do bitch too much sometimes, but if somehow dragon gunner did 50% life you don't think that might be a good idea to change?

Also I think I may have metioned this earlier, but Helena. Didn't say Helena enough so Helena Helena Helena Helena. Helena Helena.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Um, Helena? Helena Helena. Helena Helena Helena. Helena. Also Helena.

Seriously, Helena.

You wouldn't even have to play the game to know she's fucked; look at the goddamn frames. We knew she was screwed up before release. Requesting Helena buffs is not even in the remotest range of being too early. That's like saying it's too early to request a wheelchair for the guy with the two shattered femurs. Hey, let's see if those stitch up ok and he can hobble around, shall we?

Nerfs: well, that Jann Lee reset is clearly a glitch. If people were pissed about the Mila infinite they really ought to want to get that fixed too. And sometimes things need nerfs. It's rare, it's usually a glitch, and people do bitch too much sometimes, but if somehow dragon gunner did 50% life you don't think that might be a good idea to change?

Also I think I may have metioned this earlier, but Helena. Didn't say Helena enough so Helena Helena Helena Helena. Helena Helena.

The game have not even been out for a month. I doubt you know what needs to be nerf/buff. Comparing a character to how he/she used to play in a previous game isn't a reason, either. Also everyone who have been playing DOA5 have mostly been playing online. Until a competitive scene get moving, and we really see OFFLINE what each character are capable of no. You do not call out anything. Stop wishing you were playing DOA1-4 and start playing DOA5. Maybe then you'll learn your character probably instead of whining who needs a buff/nerf.


Active Member
In case you haven't figured it out yet, he's in essence telling you to shut the hell up. You haven't played the game, thus you literally have no idea what you are talking about. Of course you have no idea what you're talking about in DoA4 either so its a crap shoot for you either way. Basically, just shut up.
The issue here (which I spent a miserable amount of my night coping with) was that Keylay, the original poster I quoted in the comment of this thread, was simply wrong. And instead of anyone correcting Keylay, everyone attacked me instead. Doesn't that just seem so factually, psychologically, and philosophically stupid in every way imaginable?

I mean, for fucks sake - It would almost be like you shitheads not even owning DOA5 yourselves if you couldn't correct otherwise, or not ever playing any other DOA.

Shame on you Raansu. And shame on DR2K.

Kasumi's :3::3::F+P: has never been OH. The only 17 frame throw kasumi has is her :6::6::F+P:. Unless, of course, DOA5 was changed from even this - and now any fucking knowledge of the actual series is factually incorrect, but that seems to be the way it's going so far. I think what keylay was saying though is that her :3::3::F+P: now uses her :6::6::F+P: animation, which is stupid - especially because that is an OH animation, except it doesn't have OH properties. Don't waste your time and energy attacking me, you're better off nailing your dick to the wall.


Active Member
I think what keylay was saying though is that her :3::3::F+P: now uses her :6::6::F+P: animation, which is stupid - especially because that is an OH animation, except it doesn't have OH properties

I guess if you'd actually play the game you'd have figured that out in the beginning.


Active Member
I guess if you'd actually play the game you'd have figured that out in the beginning.
I guess if you actually read my original post, you'd see that I said that in the beginning. The only stink I raised was that an OH animation doesn't have OH properties, and everyone got retarded at me for no reason.


Active Member
I guess if you actually read my original post, you'd see that I said that in the beginning. The only stink I raised was that an OH animation doesn't have OH properties, and everyone got retarded at me for no reason.

OOOOOHHH! I see it now. The way you worded stuff got me mixed up.