"Let's Move!" The Lisa Video Thread!


Well-Known Member
The black dude commentating is the greatest ever, he needs to do every tourney. Nice Lisa too, very clean.


Dat Lisaaaaaa. Kept it nice and basic. Makes me really rethink my own playstyle since im always going for the most risky tactics (and getting bent over and blown up for it :/ ) Was nice to see how a more simple Lisa was played. Great vids :D


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice style of play. Instead of going for launchers, he just goes for mixups all day lol. Also, i like how he gives up air throw to get the force tech with 1K instead and keeps pressure; really interesting playstyle.



Hey, this is my first time posting here, this is just a smal video of my Lisa and I know it's pretty lame, that's why I'm asking for your advises :D

I'm just proud of my 1:55 combo :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance

Omega SYSP

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
With fast characters like kasumi try going for more OH cause they can and will beat you out everytime ! OH beats stikes ! Also try to mix-up ur launchers ! :3::3::K: or :6::P::8::K: work great !


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Standard Donor

Welp im starting my little mini series I guess

Lots of me getting my ass kicked and delivering some ass kicking

Enjoy :)


Thx! I found out that my favorite OH is the grab she does while she's on Carrera. The other ones I should practice them.

Something that almost every time works is using her :1: :F+K:, and charge it a little bit, then cancel it with Carrera(:6:) and Hold it to do the grab or any other attack, it really confuses the opponent.

Omega SYSP

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Thx! I found out that my favorite OH is the grab she does while she's on Carrera. The other ones I should practice them.

Something that almost every time works is using her :1: :F+K:, and charge it a little bit, then cancel it with Carrera(:6:) and Hold it to do the grab or any other attack, it really confuses the opponent.
I never use that. I think i will start totho' it makes sense !


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Premium Donor

This was just a PVR test. My laptop unfortunately shut off right before the last match started....:(
When you knock them back like @2:53ish. Follow up with a 6k+f or a quick dash 1k. Keep up that Lisa, it's looking good.


I just can say, freaking amazing all the changes that we can see in this video.

That new dodge going into back stance is freaking amazing, the new critical burst, it seems her :6::4::H+P: is now better, a lot of frames changed, can't wait to play with this new Lisa.


Well-Known Member
Went back to VF for a while (♥), and came back to discover this. My reaction to that video: :eek::eek::eek:

I can't read the frame data at the bottom because of the low quality, but it looks like the game was sped up ever so slightly?

Things i noticed from the Lisa vid(and i maybe totally wrong):
8P sidesteps (very cool!)
booty bump on BT opponent causes crumple stun :eek:
irish whip throw can be followed by i14 mid (unsure of this but it worked in the vid)
BT 7P is a CB! now :eek:
Carrera OH no longer requires Carrera? (0:23, unsure)

That's all i could notice for now. Anyone else see anything?