BackTurnedLegend Nami Gatana Ayane - Anti Wake-up kick Setups

The SS into BT4P is the only one that's iffy because if your opponent doesn't instantly wake up kick you it will miss
Hey Mr Wah I know I'm super late but yeah it works I even put my fightstick on turbo to test it.
Did you test these where the AI was recorded to do the Ayane combo and you wake up kicked as fast as possible?
Wazaaaaa I understand that's why I said instant wake up kick XD either way you'll still be out of the range of a wake up kick.. except for the SSHajin
but the dummy will always neutral rise and do it 1 frame earlier too
Thanks !! Truly inspiration for a scrub Ayane fan like me... XD
Waiting for more.
Trust me I'm trying to find every possible use for all of her moves..


Feb 9, 2017 at 8:29 AM
Posted by ESArion
Here's a litte sneak peak at my How to become a BackTurnedLegend video note that this is just 2% of what i plan to do on the full Version XD enjoy

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