DOA5U(PS3®) HAYABUSA vs AYANE 2013-08-02

Man I have boxing matches with more action than this game.:p I wonder when the free to play version will be available.
is it me or did they try to go back to the alpha version of the characters?ayane doesnt look like a doll anymore,still missing the the light and selfshadows from alpha but the face looks more like the alpha version, good new for me I guess
This was such a tease. Like "Ha ha motherflackers I've got the game but I'm only going to show you old stuff and you can't do anything about it"
Wow somehow manged to show absolutely nothing new, also horrible, going to say that was AI cause lolbad.
The AI is very derpy at times. Ayane gets hit by 2P twice and isn't even pressing anything then stands there and gets caught by 8F+P. A scrub would be doing something.

Plus no one moved at start of the match, humans press buttons.
Can the AI really be that bad?
I'm not even sure that's people playing, it looks like two AI bots to me.
Tell me about it. I don't think I've ever seen a scrubbier match in the entirety of my life.
lmao Hayabusa couldn't do anything but attempt low throws xD
Anyway, kinda looks like the recovery time on his free teleport is reduced. We'll see how that pans out.


Aug 7, 2013 at 10:46 PM
Posted by synce
There's no DOA5U section here so I'll put it in DOA5
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