Recent content by Cpt Toushiro

  1. Cpt Toushiro

    Community DOA Player Base Map

    United States Georgia Snellville PSN: Cpt_Toushiro :kasumi:
  2. Cpt Toushiro

    When we hit are lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.

    When we hit are lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.
  3. Cpt Toushiro

    Final Round Festivities (blog entry)

    JDE pushed my shit in so hard lol. I really have to thank him and the rest of the guys in the room on Saturday that I got to play casuals with. Really helped me to level up and improve my game.
  4. Cpt Toushiro

    Mila "official" reveal trailer [09-11-12]

    Dat stage. R.I.P all those people on the train. You were proper sacrifices for the awesome power of Mila
  5. Cpt Toushiro

    Helena and Lisa face-off in two rounds on new stage DEPTH

    Wow look at me not even notice the voice change until you said something. But that's good to know. Looks like I lost all sense of humor. Damn you Team Ninja!
  6. Cpt Toushiro

    Helena and Lisa face-off in two rounds on new stage DEPTH

    Wait a minute so are Lisa and La Mariposa actually two different characters on the selection screen or is that just an alternate costume that when you pick it her name changes to Lisa? If it's two different characters that doesn't make any sense to me. It's not like Ein/Hayate where they both...