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  • Saw your post for the online training session and willing to help you coordinate whatever like setting up lobbies, streams, whatever. I have xsplit and a Happauge for streaming but 3 main problems since i'm in college and on campus 1)No mic for commentary, 2)Would be streaming on a laptop and box TV so I can't stream in HD and 3)It would been on a PS3. I'm not too busy so I can help with whatever so keep in touch.
    sup CE, whenever you get a chance or have the free time we should play. you can do the usual. you kick me ass type of deal haha
    If you catch me on and not playing Survival I'm down.
    Hey CE, I'm the kid with the pink arcade stick from Summer Jam 6 that wanted to learn DOA and main Tina. I'd like to know if you were on PS3 and if so would like to play together to see if I improved or not and what I need to learn.
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    Reactions: CyberEvil
    Yeah I remember you for sure. Almost beat me after just picking up the game for a day. Damn impressive. Anyway I do have it on both consoles but haven't even put my PS3 copy in. I may get around to doing so provided I can find the time. Just a bit hectic lately. Feel free to add me on PSN if you'd like to. My tags are on my information page.
    Hey CE, I just randomly saw one of your posts in some thread and I was wondering if you ever got around to putting up a vid of your Hayabusa on WO3.
    Nah I didn't. Thanks for the reminder. I'll get something uploaded this week. I run Hayabusa, Ayane, and Lu Bu as my team in that game. Pure destruction.
    Sweet, thanks. I know you're ridiculously good in NG games and I really wanted to see some good WO3 footage.
    I have a PS3 DoA5 CE that I don't think I'm gonna end up using. Anybody looking for it but not wanting to pay $200 on eBay? Get at me.
    Can I please have that Premium Swimsuit code? lol That is if your want to give it away.
    Tried Survival again tonight. Only made it to around 50. Raged a bit. Now I'm listening to the new Three Days Grace album to relax.
    Fuck Survival. Done. Period.
    That moment when you lose to the last opponent... smh
    I lost at 89 wins yesterday. That wasn't a quiet moment, nor was it my most dignified.

    I'm sorry, I know that feel (>'_')>
    Gonna try a new AI exploit in survival tonight. Will report success. Will rage more at failure.
    Good games to everyone online today. Sorry I was a bit...irritable. Doctors need to figure shit out and then I can relax a bit.
    Did Busa's Izuna holds got much harder to do or did I suddenly become retarded¿
    Window is shorter for the second part.
    Survival is goddamn annoying. I'm on Champ difficulty now. Four difficulties left. Unbelievably stupid to put a costume behind Legend there.
    I know right? I'm not even gunna bother with those because of the trouble I had against busa, and the vf characters in arcade mode. Doesn't seem like a good idea at all -.-
    One other thing: Expect me to play terribly since Alpha lost all her juggles with DOA5's new gravity and the analog makes it impossible to pull off her qcb hcf or just qcf x2. They were so much easier with the 3DS...
    You said you wanted to see me use Alpha-152 once I've unlocked her. Well I have her and I'm ready to give it a go if you are. I have it for 360, and use my dad's gamertag as I'm too lazy to pay for my own. His is pane9884.
    I'll be online at some point today. Possibly soon. Send me a friend request when you're online and we'll see what's what.
    You can't change the settings for those. They are what they are. As for titles, go to Missions in Extras and select the ones you want.
    IPL updated their YT so I linked the Grand Finals in the article. You can follow that through to their channel for the rest!
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