Desjah Rei
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  • It's funny when you try to be there and help others, but when you do they flat out ignore you as if you're nobody, heh.
    The reason this happens is because most of these people trying to "help" the players are in actuality trying to expose them as bad players and humiliate them as much as possible to the point where everyone hates them. That's why the stigma exists.
    when your fighting noobs, just 2p spam their clueless on how to stop it and its hilarious.
    Desjah Rei
    Desjah Rei
    Understandable. Wish some of em just weren't so uptight.
    Damn you, Force_of_Nature! I can't get that 3 vs 3 team name at TFC "Hayabusa's Bitches" out of my head! LOL
    Yu Narukami and Sho
    Desjah Rei
    Desjah Rei
    @ChainCombo Yu Narukami the MC of Persona 4. Sho Minazuki is a new character for Persona 4: The Ultimate Suplex Hold (Persona 4 Arena 2) Quite a few rumors going about him. @Drake Aldan I loved the song! Thank you very much for sharing it, repeat button spammed!!!! :D
    If you have a lobby called "SKILLED Players only" I expect to fight people better than me and can trash me, not the other way around..
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    Reactions: Tenryuga
    pretty much what he said lol, get yo friends list up!!
    What if you don't believe you're skilled, yet others say you are? Why can't you just make the lobby name less intimidating, or better yet, make a private lobby where you have all the skilled players?
    Always do reverse psychology. "New players join here!" and voila! enjoy.
    Okay, time for a break, all my Momiji practice going to shit. Only getting more and more mad with every loss. See y'all in a few days.
    His Reverence
    His Reverence
    Diamonds are made from extreme pressurized coal. Keep at it, man. Blow off some steam with that GTAV.
    Desjah Rei
    Desjah Rei
    lol i don't have the money for it yet. Plus I'm a pure brawler. XD But thank you for that, Reverence. I'm calm now, back to work to do a few more goofy tricks!
    People who cancel fights just because they beat you once piss me the hell off.
    Perhaps, I'm way too damn hard on myself. A wish or want to make an impact is not the same as actually doing it. Work harder.
    I've failed to make a good impression with my Momiji. I'm disappointed, but this isn't the end. Not by a long shot..
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    Reactions: Tenryuga
    Im going through the same mess with my Hitomi :-(
    Soon to have my 360 copy now. Hopefully, I won't be disappointed, and then there's dual modding my stick for it...bleh
    WOW I AM DONE WITH ONLINE RM. I'll only play Lobbies now, fuck these lagging button mashing..OMFG..
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    Reactions: Tenryuga
    So I'm guessin' you're dealing with: Kasumi + 1 bar + PPPPP quality lag-spamming? Or my personal favourites Christie + PPP2P or Kasumi + PP2K.
    Desjah Rei
    Desjah Rei
    Nah, after what happened to me in that last It was two 1 bar Mila players, bad ones at that. It was lagging so damn hard, I couldn't counter a thing, but what really got me was I had the last match. Mila didn't move, and my damn tenku p literally phased through her against the wall in a fuckin' corner and somehow cost me the match..
    This is why I avoid lobbies. So much infuriating shit goes on in there.
    You'll never become great with half-ass effort. Keep pushing forward, and persist as new things will open up to you.
    Addicted to DestructionBomb's "My Lovable Floaty Jello Alpha" video. XD
    His akira is fearsome. I get nervous whenever I play him.
    Desjah Rei
    Desjah Rei
    When I fought him, I was in awe really by his pressure. o_o Your back to a wall is certainly not where you want to be. XD
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