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  • So yesterday i won 42 out of 56 matches, today i won 24 of 60 complete 180 :(
    Doug Nguyen
    Doug Nguyen
    I feel the same way. Ive been on a horrible losing streak. Havent had my grade this low in a while.
    i had to have become A at least 10 times by now. It sucks, especially since Ive spent the past week or so bringing back my dreadful w/l ratio, now i feel all my hard work is going to waste :/
    how safe exactly is leifang? im having a lot of trouble mounting an offense on her
    i was playing guitar hero (lol) and as soon as i began thinking about kokoros awesome kombos i wanted to play
    there seem to be a large amount of B and A rank players who cant do more than the same 6-7 hit combo.
    no one bar matches yet today and ive been playing since morning... the world must be ending o_O
    i like the doa4 stages a lot better, more variety, and way more over the top. but there are still some good ones on 5.
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    Reactions: Ghosty-J
    eww, they tried to go for a more realistic look, aparently vibrant colors arent used very often irl. they should really consider stage dlc, i miss the beaches the most
    I actually like this art style more than the way the characters looked in the old games. The plastic doll look started to grow a bit creepier the more I played DoA5 XD But the lack of much color not only falls upon the stages, but the costumes as well. Does EVERYTHING have to be black, gray, and white? It's like I'm beating up mimes whenever I turn the game on D:
    fuel and the indiana jones level have the same pallet. costumes, i only use kokoro for now, and she has enough variety, pink, pink, red, white, so costumes are find on my end.
    kasumi is surprisingly a little more complex than i thought, then again, the last time i played her was when i first played doa4
    there is a problem when i get an 11 hit combo with christie, and ive never played with her before.
    I swear 80% of the online population uses a ninja.
    yeah mostly now it's Ayane & Kasumi. They the true ninjas in this 1. Plus not alot of people are takin the time to learn them because they're harder to use in DOA5
    Is that why i see the same ayane combos 20x a day
    I meant combo apparently everyone only kmows the 7-8 hit with the flips at the.end
    its not even cool that someone can sit there and abuse frames with these characters and win. why would they even make that possible its dumb
    mainly christie
    Doug Nguyen
    Doug Nguyen
    Yeah i dont think shes really as safe as she seems. When you play online, unsafe moves become suddenly safe.
    Well, Im still learning, I guess I just has to be quicker with the punish, sucks though, Kokoro is a hard character to work with defensively unfortunately, so frame trapping becoming my downfall on a consistent basis.
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